Mar 25, 2009 14:18
So, I got the job at Crowfoot. I was notified yesterday which was fast as I wasn't supposed to know until friday. However, today I got a call from my future supervisor informing me that I'll not be going to join his group but a completely different group under a different manager. I still start on April 1st it's just that now I start job C rather than job B. My new manager said he'd stop by at some point this week and let me know exactly what I'd be doing over coffee. This is wonderful as I've been transferred from one job that I knew little about to another job I know nothing about. Everyone is now running around poking me to get my procedures done in case someone has to do my job in the future. My coworkers are upset that I'm leaving because they've just trained me on everything in case something happens and now they have to go through adn re-train someone else. I was nearly heartbroken when I told the guy in the print room that I was being transferred. He's the best friend I have at work and I feel so bad for leaving him. I have to go over there at least one more time before I leave to say a prpoer good-bye, even though I'll see him in a year, or if I'm lucky, at company events.
Because I'm now depressed a meme:
1. If you comment, let me know if you want to do the meme and I will give you three people for a fandom I have some idea you are interested in (if I know the characters).
2. Post this meme with your answers.
3. Provide pictures and the names of three people.
4. Label which you would marry, sleep with, or cliff.
(if you want to give me some in the comments I won't mind one bit)