Was going through some more LJ quizzes. The totally sexual ones are getting pretty boring, and I am not all about sex. I'd like to find another good one like the Friends Quiz, that used the friends on my list. I found some, and they are below, after some other random stuff that I thought sounded like me!
Are You Left or Right Brained?
You Are 20% Left Brained, 80% Right Brained
The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning.
Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others.
If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic.
Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet.
The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility.
Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way.
If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art.
Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports.
Are You Right or Left Brained? University of Blogging Degree
The University of Blogging
Presents to
An Honorary
Bachelor of
Majoring in
Dr. GoQuiz.com®
Blogging DegreeFrom
Go-Quiz.com Warning Label
Look out for the m
Go-Quiz.com Road of Life
cthulhumom HighwayDumpsville7Bewilderment Avenue18Valley of Depression33Study Hall165Fame City492Please Drive Carefully
Where are you on the highway of life? From
Go-Quiz.com Here's the stuff with the results that used my LJ friends. For the sake of room, I cut out the HTML stuff, and just basically listed the results.
The Big LJ Fight
Why is everyone fighting? Mind control lasers from space
How does this make you feel? Paranoid
Are you going to try and stop this? I'll try, but those mind control rays are pretty powerful
Duck!: *gets hit by a flying limb* My horoscope said this was going to happen
Do you know how much time it is going to take to get all this blood out of the carpet? According to your horoscope, it'll take about three hours
Do you plan on joining the fray? According to my horoscope, this is my lucky week for winning fights!
Is the first one killed: maethor
Strikes fear into the hearts of others with their Chainsaw of DOOM! massachudes
Keeps spouting corny catchphrases: sircooler
Is surprisingly lethal with a ficus plant: dropkick_mollys
Manages to decapitate himself by accident: lingobaird
Number of innocent bystanders slain by the fighters: 38
Chance that you’ll survive the melee: 78%
Amount of property damage the fight will cause: $274,538
(Hmmm, sounds like a Cthulhu game!)
LJ Horror Movie
Your movie is called: Vampire Strippers Ate My Brain
Your character is a: Porn star
Plays an evil zombie: liam_macnair
Plays a sexy vampire: massachudes
Gets eaten by trolls in the first scene: dropkick_mollys
Is your movie love interest: lingobaird
To save yourself you have to: Invent a new poison
Your chances of getting out alive: 84%
Excellent LJ Minions
The evil ninja mastermind hellbent on world domination: maethor
The bewitching and sexually ambiguous one that no one knows anything about: massachudes
The scarysmart one, eerily calm even in the midst of chaos: sircooler
The tiny, seemingly-delicate one with a deadly temper and awesome strength: ___whitedash
The sexy, smirking anti-villain who joins your side at the last moment: lingobaird
The snarky punk mercenary who's only there for the money and coz they love a good fight: vladtepes
The distant arrogant aristocrat who wants to bring down the society they were born into: liam_macnair
The pale, quiet one who turns out to be really, really scary: dropkick_mollys
LJ Pirate Crew
Fifteen men on a dead man's chest! Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!
Cutlass or pistol? Cutlass
What is the name of your pirate ship? Captain Blood’s Ship-O-Fools
Where is your secret pirate base? Island of Doom
What kind of loot do you prefer? Booze!
What do you and your crew prefer to be called? Swashbucklers!
Parrot or monkey? T-Rex
Shiver me timbers! Argh! Ack! Gah! *thud*
Your capable first mate: massachudes
Your bumbling cabin boy with a heart of gold: lingobaird
The aloof, yet honorable, pirate with a mysterious past: sircooler
Is always the first one into the fray: maethor
Is the comical pirate who is always drunk on grog: dropkick_mollys
Is currently in Davy Jones's locker: vladtepes
The one with the peg leg who keeps tipping over: ___whitedash
The first one who has to walk the plank: child_of_gaia
The perfectionist who insists on swabbing the decks: michi_k
Is the naval officer who ruthlessly pursues your ship: liam_macnair
LJ Wiccan Ritual
Where are you going to hold the ritual? My closet
How many do you expect to attend? 13
OH NO! There are 2 HIGH PRIESTESSES! How do you decide who gets to lead the Ritual? Can't tell you or
my coven will kill me!
How do you like to dress? frosted jeans and a black concert t-shirt
How many are in your Coven? 13 of course
Always brings a camera to skyclad rituals: lingobaird
Drowns from the weight of their hubcap sized pentacle after being set on fire by coven mates: vladtepes
Brings their Christian friend, who proceeds to ask everyone if they are Devil Worshippers: ___whitedash
Runs around the whole time screaming 'NEVER AGAIN THE BURNING TIMES!!!': child_of_gaia
Calls the quarters with their cellphone: maethor
Has a feud with the earthclad coven down the street: massachudes
Becomes confused when they try to invert a Star of David: sircooler
As The High Priestess, ______'s STD may interfere with Drawing Down the Moon: michi_k
Honestly, these can be pretty funny sometimes, especially if the right friends end up in the perfect spots. I hope no one gets offended :)