What's More Fun?

Sep 26, 2006 19:34

What's more fun?

A. Wrangling a pissed-off bull

B. Wrangling a greased pig

C. Wrangling with your mortgage company

I'd vote for A or B, because wrangling with your mortgage company (i.e., USDA) can only serve to make your week........miserable.

I don't know if the people at the USDA just don't know how to listen, or if they're simply stupid.....but I'd bet that they're simply stupid. This time, the stupid USDA representative irritates Dave for 20 minutes about the fact that paying extra every month is not a "hard-line" arrangement, and then she goes and makes "hard-line" arrangements that are basically the same amount as what we're sending every month. In-fucking-credible. No wonder the American farmer goes bankrupt so often.

Not that other mortgage companies are any better. They all assume that you'll never have a problem sending them their money on time every month; they also assume that you have no other bills, even though they know you're a homeowner. You're obviously living in a cold, dark house; you bicycle to work each day; and you're living off your own body fat.

Just a word of warning to you all.

Myself, I'm gonna start writing "Fuck You" on that message line of every check!

"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that."
---George Carlin

stupidity, mortgage companies, quotations

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