Jeepers Creeper's, Where'd Ya Get Those Weepers?

Oct 29, 2005 10:25

Last night, while I was typing that update, I sat here with tears rolling down from my eyes. I went into Jess's room to chat, and she asked me the typical dumb questions:

Why are you crying? Well, you are my baby, and Ethan is taking you away.

Don't you realize that I'm not moving that far away? You may as well be moving to Siberia!

What are you gonna do when I'm gone? Cry for about a week, sleep in your bed, clean your room, and bitch at your father.

So I spent the might being incredibly depressed. Shortly after going to bed, I had to use the bathroom. When I came back upstairs, Jess's door opens, and she's standing there bawling. "See what you did?" she says, "I hope you're happy."

Turns out that Jess was listening to a CD, and one particular song made her think too much about her impending move. Suddenly, she was scared; she didn't know if everything would work out like she hoped it would. She hates Ethan's square plates, and the fact that the decor of that apartment is too contemporary. And she finally realized that this move will end up with her having absolutely no privacy. She was sad about having to leave the sanctuary of her room at home - it was the one place she could go to be alone. (Oh, she's so like her mum!)

I had to sit up past midnight with her, while we discussed the scariness quotient and how to deal with it. We talked about compromise, and ultimately putting your foot down. I told her that she could come home any time she wanted to - that I wasn't going to let her dad turn her room into a bar or anything stupid like that. (Hey, he's got all those stupid cars up in the living room - and I wanted to have a country cottage decor. That's the last room in this house he has any say over, as far as I'm concerned.)

So I guess the move is still on. Damn. Why didn't I just talk her out of it all together?

My gratitude to Bill, who has also threatened to kick Ethan's ass if he ever hurts Jess. There are three of us now; we've become a posse!

"Well, you're practically there then."


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