Jul 22, 2007 11:05
Please only click on the lj cut if you have read the final installment of the Harry Potter book. Included is my review with many spoilers.
I stood in line for what felt like forever. Books A Million where I got my copy of the book was having a big Harry Potter party. My kids had fun, they got to make wands and go to potions class. The wands were cool, but the potions were basically adding glitter to a water bottle. My son Jonathan is fasinated with the killing curse. That worries me a bit, but it is only a book. Though it was funny, at the party there were a couple people dressed up as Dolores Umbridge. My son pretended to use the curse on her. My boyfriend knew that Severus Snape was my favorite character, and even though he never read any of the books he kept texting me that Snape was evil.
I finally got my book and audio cd around 12:15. My mother had the kids in the car. I took the cd's from the shrink wrap and stuck it in the cd player as soon as we got in. We hit McDonald's for fries and a drink and then headed home. On the drive we got through the first chapter where the death eaters were meeting. We both kept wanting to know who the body above the death eaters was. I was suprised to find out who she was, though I don't remember her being mentioned in any of the other books.
When we were finally home, I got the kids to bed and went to read. I was shocked and very happy when Harry and Dudley seemed to find peace. I wish their would have been more between Harry and Petunia. I wish Petunia would have learned to "forgive" (Yes I know its not really something to forgive, but that was the only word I could think of) The whole Rita Skitter thing made me mad, and it wasn't ever resolved. I really dislike that character.
I loved the plan of the seven potters and was happy that Severus played a part in making it happen. I was upset about Mad Eye dying. That stung so early in the book, but it was correct. Volde would have thought Harry would be guarded by the most powerful auror in the bunch. Though when Hedwig died I was even more upset.
It was interesting getting through the wedding. I was happy to know the spoilers I had read online were false. I had heard the Percy was supposed to die before the wedding. Knowing that Percy didn't die gave me renewed hope in Severus. I had read that he was in it for himself and waiting till the end to pick sides. I has seen that on a site that scans of the table of contents so I thought it was real.
I got to the point after they left where I was reading the same page over and over again due to not being able to stay awake (it was 4 am at that point) so sadly put the book down and went to sleep. I got up the next day around 11. I had to work on our pool and getting the chemicals right. By the time I had finished that, I had to get ready for work.
The book got a little boring after that when the trio left. I was excited that they finally made friends with Kretcher. It was assume to see them all treating Kretcher nice and him returning the favor. I was excited in realizing that Snape was the headmaster at Hogwarts. I wish he hadn't died and would have been able to keep the position. I thought it was kind of boring when they went into the ministry and then went hiding it the woods. I was mad when Ron left, but I knew he'd be back. Harry and Hermione's trip to Godricks Hollow wasn't as good as it should have been. When they made it to the next woods and Harry followed the silver doe I had no idea who it was. I think its excellent that it was Snape. His patronis was a silver does like Harry's mom, that was sweet.. Though I wonder why Harry never seemed to ask what his mother patronis was. Atleast I don't remember him doing that.
I thought the scene with Luna's father was good. I'm glad Hermione made a point to let the death eaters see Harry before they got away. I am going to have to review the final chapters. I don't remember ever finding out what happened to Luna. I hope I was just distracted about being right about Snape being good and being in love with Lily.
The scene at Malfoy Manor and then in the Gringotts bank seemed forced. I don't like the way they played out. Esp the duplicating relics. I don't think the cup would have been in Bellatrix's vault. Or atleast not at first, I think we should have had to descover where it was only to find Volde had been a step ahead and moved it.
I liked finding out that Aberforth was the one in the mirror. Him looking like Dumbledore and all made it really interesting. The passage way into Hogwarts by Dumbledore's little sister definatly was unique. I was glad to see everyone show up for the final battle.
When Snape ran away it really had me scared that he might really be evil. I didn't want to believe it, but I was scared. I was glad when Harry saved Draco's life. I think its cool that they Draco's trio was responsible for the distruction of the final horcrux. I didn't like when Volde called Severus back. I knew it didn't look good for Severus. I hated the way Severus died. I really wanted some conversation between Severus and Harry. That and I thought it would have been really cool if Snape had died saving Harrys life. I hated that Volde killed him over a wand. It just seemed like a really cheap death for him.
The finale scenes really bugged me too. I really wanted Neville to get to kill Bellatrix. It made since for Molly to do it, but still I think it would be more fitting if Neville had done it. I can't believe that both Tonks and Lupin died. That is so sad. Seperating the twins was terrible also.
Overall I thought the book was okay. Im pretty neutral on it. Somethings were done great, but I don't think it lived up to her standards. I was thinking about the two people who died sho she hadn't planned on killing and the one who got the reprive. I think Hagrid got the reprive. I read somewhere that the actor who played him didn't want to finish the movies because she told him what happened to Hagrid. I think she saved him so the Actor would do the rest of the movies. I think the two people who died that she hadn't planned on killing were Dobby and Severus. Dobby because he was one of the people mugglenet thought was least likely to die. She didn't want to seem predictible. I also think Severus was in there because she didn't like the character. During an interview she has been asked if Severus would ever fall in love. Her reply was who would want Snape in love with them, that would he a terrible idea. Well the majority of fans were more intrigued by Snape than Harry. Whether they thought him good or bad, he easily brought out the most emotions from fans. I don't think Rowlings likes that and hence she killed him off.
Hope you enjoyed my review, and I look forward to seeing everyone elses opinions on the book.
harry potter,