So i know this was going to be dedicated to pure video games, and it still pretty much is, but lately I haven't been playing too much. I am graduating on June 9th so I'm finishing up my last few weeks here in my Undergraduate! Jill got accepted at the University of Colorado in Boulder, so we will be moving somewhere around there after we're all done. Thank god for no more school, no more long distance.... now the vast void of the real working life.... holy crap... well it will be money. Jill will be starting at $33k/year and I will hopefully be at at least $50-55, I'm hoping for $60 with a college degree. Game programming here I come!
On a video game note of things, my project for my Peer 2 Peer class has turned into a Tetris P2P JXTA application, should be interesting. 5 player tetris of a decentralized peer group, hooray for wacky JXTA protocols. I think i'm going to stick to TCP/IP after this, but it will be an experience getting this thing working.
I did very poorly in Pygame, but not because my code/game was poor, more because it wasn't as original as people wanted and the judges were dicks this time around. I basically made a gauntlet clone: you gotta have python and pygame to run it. I will try to make a Py2exe launch later, but I don't really see myself pursueing it because it eats up resources for some reason??
Wedding is coming up, July 28th, only like 2 1/2 monthes, Jill ordered the invitations so we will be sending those out at some point. Our families are requesting a HUGE guest list, so we gotta be a little selective on invites, but don't worry, invites will come!