(no subject)

Jun 02, 2011 14:12

Another dream. no medication tonight, i forgot to take it.

Basically,  I was a guitarist who'd just been picked up by a big-named band to play for them (i think I was replacing another member who had left). the weird thing was it was this sort of futuristic 2050 type landscape- think minority report city, but darker. Not goth or cyberpunk or wrecked future, just the future is very clean and streamlined but very, very poorly lit and kinda creepy.

But at the same time as I was being picked to play in this big band, I was going really crazy, having hallucinations. In the dream I was terrified of dark spaces, which would trigger these hallucinations- basically, in dim light I would see everything around me- people, objects, walls, floor- made out of swarms of tiny scuttling creatures, usually bugs but mice and crustatceans and other tiny creatures. Mostly it was dark green ircandescent scarab-like beetles, about the size of the first joint of my thumb. Whenever I saw them, it was never mixed- there would be a patch of spiders, a patch of beetles, ect. And within species it was all the same size. (all the spiders were the same size, but they were all a different size from the beetles.)

And I knew that the things I was seeing wasn't real, but that didn't stop me from having these hallucinations. by the end I was having them randomly, like I was playing guitar in the band and the guitar turned into spiders. And I was afraid to tell anyone because I thought I would be kicked out of the band.

I think I know what inspired this dream, because i fell asleep at 2-3 am watching Life on the Murder scene because I was having a bout of insomnia. The dream wasn't about MCR or set in the same time period or even about anything specific from the movie, but it think the band thing was for that.

dream journal

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