Horror is an exciting, High Interest genre. Ask your students how many of them watch horror movies. You'll probably find that it is one of the most popular genres. Stephen King is the most popular living author, and R.L. Stine's Goosebumps books are a perennial hit. Savvy teachers can harness the students' love of the genre to engage them in meaningful lessons that will get them excited about learning. You will find that horror is not all immature blood and guts; there are some excellent materials (appropriate for whatever level you teach). So, what are you waiting for?
Teaching the Horror Genre
http://www.jeanloupbenet.com/education.html Among the many lessons you'll find there are the following two webquests:
Stephen King WebQuest
http://www.jeanloupbenet.com/stephenkingwebquest.html (7-Adult)
Stephen King entertains and scares us with his vivid imagination and his writing skills. The purpose of this project is to allow you to become more familiar with King and his work. You will also be sharpening both your research and writing skills.
Horror Author WebQuest
http://www.jeanloupbenet.com/horrorauthorwebquest.html (6-Adult)
Horror authors entertain and scare us with their vivid imagination and their writing skills. Who are they? What have they written? What is the life of a horror writer really like? The purpose of this project is to allow you to become very familiar with a new author. You will also be sharpening both your research and writing skills.