Yeah, I know. I need to update more often. I am getting settled into my new apartment.
Image removed due to stalker activity
At 1800 square feet, it is the biggest place I've ever rented. It costs about the same as our 800 ft^2 place in Detroit/Lincoln Park. There are some good things about living up here. It's a cool old place downtown, in what was originally the bank. I have a nice office to write in, although it is still a mess of papers and boxes.
I spent the last two weeks up in
Copper Harbor. It was a nice relaxing time. I read a lot, A LOT. I got to catch up on some great TBR novels, and design a big chunk of my curriculum for the coming year. We are doing a World Cultures year, so no American, European, or Ancient stuff. All of the stuff that isn't normally covered. I found some really cool stuff, which I hope the kids will like. When I got home, at school copying handouts, writing their pretest, setting up my room, and other fun teacherly things. I found out I am also teaching two sections of Social Studies, and Theatre. I've never taught them before, so I don't know exactly what to expect. I was also given a copy of the intellectual properties clasue in our new bylaws. It was the worst right-grab I have seen. It said that the school owned the rights to everything I produced on my own time, with my own materials. I could petition the boards for these rights. I would also have to bring to the board any piece I PLANNED on writing, so they could decide if it would be in their best interests. If anything was marketable, they got the right to get it published and make money. (Remember this all applies to things I have written in my own time, using my own materials) I'm glad I checked before the start of the yeaar. I hope they take my revisions and fix this awful language. It does worry me a little as to what the other sections look like.
With all of the school stuff, I haven't had a chance to send out any of my writings. I plan on submitting a bunch of the shorts within a few days. The novel might have a chance at New York house, but I don't want to say anything more as don't want to jinx anything.