Meanwhile, while I wait to hear how the SHC wants me to auction The Dismemberment Plan tickets...
Via my
facebook event:
Every year, I watch "Groundhog Day" on 2/2, but most of my friends are pretty sick of it by now. (If you want to watch it with me, LET ME KNOW. If there's enough interest, I'll go harass Ian.)
Last year's screening became an informal fundraiser for the Somerville Homeless Coalition. Sure, a lot of folks brought a cheque or canned good and then snuck out before the movie began, but they still showed support. I figured I'd try to collect donations again.
If you'd like to donate directly (& get tax credit for doing so): If you'd like to hand me cheques (or cash if that's what you've got) or canned goods between now & next Wednesday, suggest when & where I should try to catch up with you.