I was just commenting about DeathTongue!
They say everybody writes a journal with the hope that someday somebody will read it. I think most people in the explicitly-public LJ-land list interests in the hope that someday somebody will ask about them. This meme, like a dating service, turns all that hoping-somebody-will-ask into a straightforward request. Viva communication!
Leave a comment and Explicitly request it in a comment and I will choose 7 of your LJ profile interests for you to explain/write about.
spookyhandle asked about the following interests:
(but they seem so self-explanatory to me!)
First of all, I deliberately maintain exactly 42 listed "interests" at any time. To maintain this number, other interests may be expressed merely as listed communities or icons.
In the early days of LJ, when you friended anyone you knew, because that was, like, 6 people, you'd surf interests to find like-minded strangers. This is how
tyrsalvia found me. At some point, the noise level increased enough to make this impractical. Around then, my goal was to instead come up with unique interests, like sapient pearwood instead of Terry Pratchett. This backfired when people saw my profile and decided that was a much cooler way of expressing an interest. (Other no longer unique interests include: boilermaker 15k, cracking eggs on heads, liquid nitrogen ice cream, pink grapefruit jellybeans, zbs radio plays)
bitterfilms: Don Hertzfeldt, particularly before he started taking himself too seriously (i.e., before Meaning of Life). Dedicated an early film (
this one?) to his good friend, Caffeine. I'm bitter, and addicted to coffee. A perfect match!
dia de los muertos: day(s) of the dead. I love the idea of celebrating, rather than mourning, ghosts and death. Hence, I have that party every year.
maize mazes: Zarf introduced me to getting lost in the corn (and sorgum?) One season I went to about 4-5 of mazes, and somehow I've become too busy/tired for that now.
Trent Reznor's triceps: A classic example of stretching for a unique interest. You probably knew I was a NIN fan. You probably also knew that I like men with visibly developed arms. You've probably heard me rave ad nauseum about Trent's arms (even before he got addicted to bodybuilding). This covers a lot of interests at once.
When Night is Falling: A sensuous, beautiful movie about wanting to run away from your unsatisfying reality, in either direction. Considered a lesbian film. (This and Strange Days, correctly applied, could probably get me to date a girl.) Mostly tho', I couldn't remember the exact title enough times that I decided to list is as an interest. (Did the same with The Wolves of Kromer, until I found that LJ community).
community art projects: I love living someplace with enough artists that there's a lot of random art in my neighborhood, be it sonic signs, the sculptures in the community garden, or things more formally organized by the arts council. Art improves a commmunity. I may not get much personal art goals accomplished, but I volunteer to keep community art happening.
hamsterstapel der liebe: NinCon Lobby Hamster Pile of Love! Using German makes it more Industrial! Turns out these hamster piles happen all over. (But seeing black-clag/goth/emo/miserable NINnies being all cuddly was shockingly novel at the time.)