summer 05'

Aug 03, 2005 11:09

summer of 05' was everything a summer consisted of.. good times good friends and new memories.

it blows my mind just how fast this summer flew by and all of the things that took place in this short amount of time.

we had parties with drunken nights... bruises, unstopable laughter, i dare you too... , shoe throwing, apologies, running around trying to catch mia, people sleeping on bathroom floors, and those lovely lil phone calls

ohio was filled with the thought of the baseball team! we tried to escape the watch of jens gpa .. us lawn birds were looked away tight in that hotel room all night, rich and his friends.. enough said, ice machine, kentucky fried chicken, exploring the woods with eddie and being scared of ticks, crazy attacking lil cousins, the new song we made up, janie, the long car ride home, the boys being rejected at dinner, the walmart that wasnt a walmart at all

st. augistine getting henna tattos, walking at night, all the lil shops, boyscouting but none to be found, ripleys belive it or not with the 2 sided mirror, the jail.... he was hott, sleeping in the hotel room forever, the mexican lady kevin talked to on the phone, homeless people are in the woods!

work me and jen have all the same hours, the hotsy totsy bobsy twins, twedledee and tweedle dumb, LOSERS, he looks like a child molester or a serial killer or even a rapist! you looked stoned, he just wants to jump your bones, can i have a cookie

the beach was always fun, omg u guys i exploded every were, attracting sharks, car breakdown and major pushes, butthead police, sunscrean every two seconds, ahh u look like a ghost, i want a beach ball and a raft, look how white my ass is, theres something in the water im not going in, tanning by the pool or on the dock

joe came back, started dating, sleepover, crying over everything :(

my car, got in an accident on ft.myers beach, made some friends,  got a flat two days later and cried in the rain, pushed the e brake and kept driving, broke my transmission, gota get a new one all brocken, im getting a 2005 toyota corrola just cant pick the color black or blue blue or black?

parking passes, peeing at school.. gota pop a squat, getting there at 2, thinking we were first, racoon!, fighting the crowds, pushed against fences, butts against butts, getting the senior passes right next to each other.. yay!

girls night- saw the sisterhood of the travling pants, looking over with all of us crying and realising were the best of friends

alis house, sneaking drinks, talking in the closet, andrew attacking, swiming late at night and getting yelled at, come in the poool, falling off of beds, stupid dpg chewing up my stuff!

kelsey- went to cali, flip flop, new umm experience, smaller boobs, smoking speach

mia- got tatoo, new haircut, speical with ray, drunken mia, wanna see my boobs, makes millions babysitting for the drug lords of cc lol jk, 4000 thousand doller bed pshh

jen - new car jetta!! boy drama gay head will and what not, hair cut, conors, swinging, talks, getting attacked by silvana, lil brother, adoption by grandparents, shopping sprees and finding jack crap

anne- havnt seen u much but mad parties forawile, chris, england and the other place u went i forgot the name lol

ali- ryan, helping me with joe, bird flapping, kid with the box, when u laugh u flap, scary pic taking

i know so much more has happend this summer and im going to miss it all soo much. i can honstly say this summer i didnt have a moment of bordness, and school.. well im deff not ready for it to come. i hope you all had the best of summer 05' and hopefully the school year will be alright.. see you all there
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