If you have anything to say to the person who posts this entry, say it to them. If you love them, tell them. If you hate them, tell them. Whatever you have to say to this person, even if its something you're having trouble saying, if the person posts this entry, say it to them. You may never get a chance to, so just do it
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For one of the best insights on the topic (including why nice guys don’t get the girl) buy the book at this site (or give me an email address and I will send a copy you can preview for free)
Another pretty good book is at this site
And another guy who really knows his shit here
(except he’ll charge you a small fortune for his resources but they are pretty good. Or just sign up to be spammed with free news letters and over time he’ll tell you all he knows without spending a cent).
Alternatively give me a snail mail address and I will send you four of his body language DVDs for free. He’s got other CDs too he really does know his stuff (but you only need the body language ones because that’s what its all about, unless you’re suffering from attitudinal problems like obsessing with “the one” etc but you can learn that from free sites).
Hey why don’t you try and make a move on Ch in her current state but lets face it if you can’t get her now you really do need to move on (as does she from her C infatuation).
By the way another guy who’s not bad is www.doclove.com (never read his book but his weekly letters are usually on the ball). I’m serious about sending the DVDs by the way (interesting stuff but when you’ve seen them you’ve seen them, not doing any good just cluttering up my desk).
Another note, the above sites are by non-Christians and as such are generally geared towards picking up women for one night stands (the dirt bags) never the less what works for picking up women who you want to use for sex and then dump also works for picking up women you want to marry.
Bottom line is you don’t get women by trying to “please them” but rather just the opposite by being “a challenge” (playing hard to get works basically) (and being confident and in control - incidentally bitching about how your not getting what you want in life while true and the whole idea of a blog is not good if the person you want may be reading your site as it shows neither confidence nor control).
You don’t get “the one” by focusing on “the one” but by going after many women (women want what other women want and what they can’t have). You’d actually of done more good for your chances with ‘Ch’ by picking up the chick at the dance thingy and demonstrating to Ch that you’re in demand (jealously can work wanders).
You don’t get women the women of your dreams by placing them on a pedestal. Women need to know that you can take them or leave them, that they are not the center of your universe.You don’t get women by supplicating too them. Believe it or not you don’t get the women of your dreams by being her friend (even though you may spend many long hours in deep and meaningful conversation with her she’ll still run off and get her rocks of with some dirt bag jerk who just wants to use her for sex before dumping her, though she’ll certainly let you hold the hanky for her after its over).
Once you’re in LJBF land (Lets Just Be Friends) you never make it out again (well rarely). (Nothing wrong with being “just friends” though if that’s all you want). Remember nice guys don’t get the girl! Learn what works for the jerks and use it (without becoming a jerk in the process). Women may be illogical but they are not unpredictable. Yeah they should go for the nice guys but they don’t and they’re not going to change so you need to adapt to them (at the end of the day we can really only change ourselves).
There I’ve told you what I thought of you just like you asked. Like you said “Don’t get mad at someone for being honest..when you just asked them to be honest”.
Feel free to screen this out by the way (I’m sure you will) but let me know if you want any resources.
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