It's been a long time....

Dec 10, 2008 17:09

gettin' from there to here...

Anyways, I really haven't EVER been inclined to "blog" regularly, and only really ever found myself posting to pimp something or other.

In any case, since the last time I've posted:
I no longer have a christmas tree seasonal job due to the economy, and due to the employer hiring a bunch of mexicans. Actual mexicans from mexico, not just "oh he hired cheaper laborers, lol mexicans" but actual guys who don't speak english, they came up from mexico, and at the end of the treeing season, the returned to, guess where? Mexico.

Had to take a job at a grocery store chain, in the deli. This came after over half a year of fruitless job hunting. Hundreds of applications and resumes, no callbacks. So I go from high paying, high hours job, to low hours minimum wage job. Bleh. Yeah I can really keep up with my credit cards and student loan on that.

Bridgewater sucks.
Good news though, I just secured a job in halifax. One that pays more than I've ever earned, and is a permanent position. So no seasonal crap, no minimum wage crap, I'm getting good pay, 40 hours (or more) a week, dental, medical, vision, all that fun stuff.
So I'm moving to the city. Actually, it's only 16 days now until I move.


My comic's been on a bit of a mini-hiatus, which I HATE to do but... I move in 16 days.

Anyways, on conclusion, and keeping in habit with my previous posts, I'm going to pimp some webgame.

Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!

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