As the title suggests this is a challenge to watch 500 episodes of TV-shows in one year. The only rule is that if you watch a certain episode more than once in a year you can only list it again if you haven't already listed it for that month
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Anyway, I doubt you'll have a problem reaching that number, especially if you're going to watch Buffy and Angel cause then you'll already be half way there. :D Good luck!
Holy crap! I just looked it up and it's like 11 seasons combined. *_* You're right, I'll have no problem. Heh.
Oh, don't get me wrong, they show good reruns over here too - like Seinfeld and Friends, there's also Will and Grace and Everybody Loves Raymond and Smallville etc. - and I watch them all, I just watch some other crappy stuff too, lol.
See, I told you! And don't forget Farscape, then you'll have 15 seasons combined. Piece of cake. :D
But it can't be that embarrasing. Is it the Teletubbies? xD
Oh, and I've started watching BtVS(the first two episodes). Now I really hate myself for not watching it before. I love all the characters(and their interactions) especially Buffy and Angel, even Buffy/Angel(I've always had a thing for David Boreanaz, which is why I also started Bones). I still have to warm up to Xander and Willow. I can't stop seeing Willow as Lily from 'How I Met Your Mother'. It's going to take awhile to get over that. And I just don't know about Xander. I can't wait till the second season when James shows up. :P But yeah, I'm looking forward to watching more. One little annoyance, the prosthetics for the vampires. Heh.
Also. Why'd you have to mention cake? *runs off to eat supper* ;)
No, not the Teletubbies. You know what, I don't think it gets anymore embarrassing than Melrose Place, lol. There's a bunch of stuff I don't watch regularly, just an episode here and there, and that I might not watch if it wasn't on at night when there's nothing else to put the tv on, but...ok, I'll play along. Everybody's doing it, so I might as well do it as well. I've already started my list, so might post it soon. :)
See, I told you it was a good show. How did you manage not to watch it until now ( ... )
I have no freakin' clue! I don't understand what I was thinking! And yes Xander is really cool. He's so cute and shy and just so cute. ^_^ And now I'm shipping Xander/Willow. This show is making me like het, it's very powerful. LOL But Giles is by far my favorite character. I have a little kink for the professor/librarian type. And guys with glasses. xD
No it's okay. Cake, cake, cake, cake. See? ;)
*gasp* Eww, het!! The horror!! LOL :P
Ooh, Giles! I loooove him. <3 I have a little kink for older man, so I'm right there with you. :D Seriously, he's an awesome character, I love his relationship with Buffy, and his one of my very favorites. Plus, the guy can sing. Yum. :)
Damn, now I want some cake, lol. *must resist temptation*
I know! I think I may be scarred for life. *snorts*
He can sing? Oh I can't wait for that! ♥ And I just realized that Anthony Stewart Head was in a Doctor Who episode. I love when fandoms collide like that.
*takes it away and gives it to her sister* She needs to gain a few pounds anyways. She such a stick. *is so not envious*
Yep, he can sing, and he does it quite nicely too. *nods* He sings twice in Buffy - the first time is in 4x18 (singing "Behind Blue Eyes"), and the second time is in "Once More With Feeling", Buffy's musical episode which is made of awesome. Lots of good stuff to look forward to. :D
Heh, yeah, I remember that episode. I was excited when I saw he was in it, I love these sort of fandom collisions as well. :)
lol, don't you just hate it when your sister is thinner than you? Lucky bastards. *is not envious either*
You're welcome, you're welcome, you're welcome! :D
Now I just need some icons. Do you recommend any BtVS specific icon communities? :)
Well, I think the two biggest Buffy icons communities are buffy_icons and buffyicons. I'm a member of both and that's where I get most of my Buffy icons. As for specific icon makers - I skimmed through the Buffy icons I have, and some of them include killcolor, soul_flowers, paintedxlie/likestarlight and awmp (among many others), so you might like to take a look there as well. Although if you want to avoid spoilers, perhaps you should wait for know, just in case.
Thank you so much for the links! I can't wait to check them out. But yeah I should probably wait. 'Cause spoilers aren't good. (I finally didn't spoiler myself for one of the episodes of Torchwood that aired last night and let's just say that it was one of the biggest reactions I've ever had with any TV show. And that's saying something.) I might just try making my own icons and see how that goes. :)
You're welcome :) Yeah, spoilers pretty much suck *says the person who has been spoiled for almost each and every show she's ever watched, bah!* You know how to make icons? No fair! I'm starting to think I'm the only one around here who doesn't, heh.
I don't really know how to make them I just dabble. The ones I've made so far aren't that great. (They're in my profile if you're curious.) But I'm sure you could make them too you're interested. It just takes practice and knowing how to work with those programs.
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