
Dec 18, 2006 18:23

Player Information
Name: Melinda
LJ Username: [info]weemumlessmngrl
'Hogwarts is Home' House: Slytherin
Contact Info (AIM, MSN, email address):

Character Information
Name: Christian Thatcher Hale III
LJ Username: (if available) cthatcherhale
Location: Hogsmeade
Former House: Gryffindor
Age: 18
Birthdate: 06/08
Occupation: Bartender at the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade

Bloodline: Proudly Muggle
Heritage: English. Refined English.
Personal History:
Many, many years ago, a man known as Christian Thatcher Hale II met a lovely young woman whom he thought was a treasured piece, and deemed her to be his wife. Naturally, they did those certain things that married people often do, and bore a child. This child was happy, healthy, and an all-around smart-mouth (a trait neither of them could trace back to themselves, so honestly, where could he have gotten it from?), but they loved him regardless. He was their only one, after all. Father's family was one of 'old money', with ties to the trade industry, a fact that he rather fancied to keep to himself. No no, there was no mention outside of the family as to where said old money came from, but it may or may not have been from irrefutable companies. However, Father Hale was known to share tea time with various shady characters from shady organizations, which merely fanned the gossip flames about their neighborhood. When one kept secrets, everyone wished to be privy to them, after all. Mother Hale's family felt the same way about how they came across their own riches, by the by. Regardless, the Hales generally keep the source of their wealth to themselves, and their son was trained to always have the quick answer of "Oh, a wee bit of this and that" when asked what his parents do for a living. To them, it was simply a non-issue, but a very important to keep shush-shush. At any rate, they had their child and raised him well. Nothing too eventful that one could disclose ever really happened. He just one day got a letter to Hogwarts and his parents said "Oh, isn't this lovely?" and shipped him off.

Christian Thatcher Hale (Thatcher, to those that known him) needs not the pleasure of the blood. And by that, we mean the arrogant pleasure of knowing that your family is.. pure. Being born in wealth, Thatcher was trained to act like a proper gentleman. Now, being a proper gentleman in their books might not quite match up thought-for-thought with that which others would consider to be proper, but nevertheless, Thatcher was proper enough. He knew to treat all ladies as if they were a diamond in his eye, and all men as if they were a business partner of old or future. His teachers were generally charmed by him, and he never really tried to raise a fuss, actually. In all actuality, he fancied laying low in anything but relations with the ladies. Oh, did he think himself to be quite the lady charmer! To him, women were things meant to be worshiped, and Thatcher was always quick to ensure that said worshiping took place. In all actuality, he had always been the type to really glide through life without a worry or a care..

...that is, so long as he never crossed paths with one of those so-and-so purebloods. Oh MERLIN, did they irritate him! Thatcher's ugly side only really came out when one of them was around, and like some.. some Gemini or something (yes, ironic, that), a second demonic personality raised itself onto it's haunches from somewhere deep within him, and he was this.. cut-throat, cruel, sarcastic, full of himself boy with a chip on his shoulder or something to that effect. If anything could bring his ponce out in full-force, it was dealing with those purebloods that thought they were so much better than anyone else that it gave them some right to be right arses to all they were around.

But generally, Thatcher is just a charming boy.

Physical Description:
Thatcher is tall and slim (thin, muscular enough to get about, what have you), standing at around 6' and weighing such-and-such pounds. He really wasn't the type to weigh himself, so even he couldn't say how many pounds he carried about (unless it was of the money sort, but regardless)... Hair is a sandy brown and preferably worn slightly messed, and his eyes are a lovely shade of honey brown.
Preferred Body Model: (please include a link to an image)
Matt Czuchry!! (I put him on hold eons ago~~)
If this is your first character: Please give us a sample RP, at least one paragraph in length.

Hobbies and talents - max of five:
Sports - Quidditch & Rugby
Ability to phrase one's self very well, thank you.
Weaknesses - for every hobby or talent, the character must have two weaknesses:
Proud/Arrogant (due to wealthy upbringing, but is weakness when around purebloods, as described in detail in the Personal section)
Trusting (kinda) - He tends to give people the benefit of the doubt, unless they're a pureblood elitist. Sometimes benefit of a doubt is not deserved!
Tactless - Has the physical inability to not respond to smart-mouthed pureblood elitists
Bias for action - Carries chip on his shoulder to right the wrongs done to other muggle-borns
Areas of Magical Expertise:
History of Magic
Household Charms
Areas of Magical Weakness:
Defense Spells
15" Redwood with Unicorn tail core
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