aw man guys. lol i've already seen batman but...LOL I'M EXCITED ABOUT SEEING IT AGAIN. lol man i love this movie. :> ESPECIALLY THE PENCIL PART. HAHAHAHA *love*
aaaaaah so i've been reading must read all of them...i mean...the top of the site has a bunch of links...TO MORE OF HER COMICS. totally awesome COMICS. man...she makes me wanna work at a museum. *thinks about working at one for a moment* >_> i wonder how long i'd get bored of that job. lol "ADD"-ness is working it's way into my job area...LOL EXCEPT WITH GAMESTOP I LOVED THAT JOB. :( *bitterbitter*
oh few months ago my mom found this one dude's wallet and it was sitting in our door way for like...a day and then while i was walking noodle i saw some guy looking in our bushes and was all, "OH CRAP A RAPIST! NOODLE ATTACK!" but then remembered the wallet...and lo and behold it was the wallet's owner. :> HAPPY TIME. anyway. like...few days later or so the dude leaves an envelope on our doorstep with a letter of thanks(and his address...i should totally send him junk mail for no reason *evil*) and $15 gift card for itunes. :D dude...i was stoked about that. haha yeaaaaaah...then i lost that crap for about 2 or so months. :( sad, yo. :D THEN I FOUND IT TODAY. lol i totally bought me a radiohead album....haha...album cover...AN ALBUM COVER. oh man...haha i love that skit...ANYWAY. so i got that. it's totally awesome, yo. totally. AND HOLY CRAP MY FINGERS KEEP SPAZZING. >:C JUST TYPE WHAT I WANT YOU FIENDS! whoa...imagine if your other body parts could talk to you. D: THAT WOULD BE SO AWESOME. so anyway...
:D this weekend i'm totally going to santa barbra...okay well more like friday night/saturday. yeah...i be hangin' with my homies there. D: I TOTALLY NEED TO GET A SWIM SUIT...AND A DECENT LOOKING BODY FOR ONE. OTL i'm such a potatoe. :( haha i hope to take some pics. LOL MAYBE I'LL FINALLY USE THAT PICTURE APP THIS SITE HAS. :I maybe.
:D CYA PEEPS. I'M TOTALLY GOING TO BED NOW....because it's 2:14 am and i need a freaking better sleep schedule. B| SRSLY GUYS. THIS ISN'T A HEALTHY THING.