Apr 15, 2011 19:56
hello everyone :D
not been on for a while, well i've been on but haven't posted in a while. how is everyone ??? i've really missed hearing from everyone on here.my life's been hectic as per usual. College is getting on top of me a bit with out diploma show coming up. Did all my drama school auditions again, i swear i must be shit at acting ! i'm on the waiting list for ALRA in london but that's it. no other recalls or anything. i'm pretty gutted cause i feel like i've been at it for ages but here's hoping something comes up. and anyway, if it's meant to happen it will. However the fantastic Lucy (bitemealienboii) is going to drama school next year and shall be fantastic !!! a huuuge congrats to her, she deserves it loads.
quick question also, if people have deleted me as friends on here, can i add them again (this sounds desperate but just a couple of people i'd love to hear from that have removed me because i've not been on LJ for months on end, so dont blame them)
anyway, i'm off for my dinner and a brilliantly exciting friday night in the house . . . . fun. however i do have catherine tate and david tennant on graham norton later to keep me going.
over and out