Вакансии веломастера

Dec 26, 2011 09:16

Оригинал взят у velodoctor в Вакансии веломастера
Друзья, у нас на сайте открылся раздел вакансий. Сейчас у нас две вакансии: Веломастер в велосервис щукино и веломастер в мобильный велосервис. Обязательно хорошо разбираться в устройстве велосипеда и иметь минимальный опыт работы, для вакансии мобильного велосервиса так же необходимо наличие автомобиля и прав ( Read more... )

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работа ext_1597836 January 15 2013, 22:15:46 UTC
Prisoner Alexander
22 (4 February 1990) Male sex, ready to move (Russia) Ready to rare trips
+7 705 6510352
plen_90@mail.ruжелаемый communication method
Sports clubs, Fitness, Beauty → Coaches
Full-time, full time
March 2010 - present
GU Sports School Cycling - Government organizations
Coach lecturer
Motivation in physical culture and sports, and the training of young athletes

Key skills
Master of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan medalist and champion of the country's world championship in Switzerland and the Asian Championship in Japan
2014 North Kazakhstan State University Monash Kozybayev
physical education and sports
2010 North-Kazakhstan vocational training college
Department of Physical Education and Sports
Russian - native
English - basic
Advanced training courses
2010 has a certificate in physical therapy and massage have practical skills to repair any types of bicycles
North Kazakhstan vocational training college

Citizenship, travel time to work
Nationality: Kazakhstan
Work permit: Russia
Desired travel time to work: it does not matter


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