Seriously, please someone answer it for me?
I have seen so many posts flat out putting natural birth, promoting repeat c-sections for no medical reasons, blindly following OB/GYN's suggestions for elective c-sections because of "big babies" and stuff like that, and whenever someone points out a fact, or a risk of any of these procedures, they gang up and swoop in like vultures going in for the kill. So defensive that people are actually taking facts and statistics and bringing them to the table.
I just don't get the whole scared factor of a natural labor. How many women have done in for thousands of years? Magically epidurals are invented and no one has a natural birth because it just hurts that much?
Birth is so dramatized on TV and in society that first time mothers are petrified of actually birthing without interventions or in a birth center, or even at home. They think women who don't have epidurals or run off to an OB/GYN are strange.
I just don't grasp this fact. Birth is a natural process that our bodies are made to do. When you start throwing in epidurals, and inductions that is where the problems arise.
There is no reason for a 33% c-section rate in this country. No reason at all. It is these medical interventions that are causing problems, causing c-sections, and KILLING our women.
The United States loses MORE women during and around the time of child birth that the majority of industrialized nations in the world. That speaks in volumes.
But women will continue to go around being ignorant to the facts, and what really is best for mother and baby, and feed into the myth that child birth is torture, and that OB/GYN's are god.
Just a side note, the whole child birth is painful and horrible did not even come about until the 1900's when hospitals started to take over births. When early feminists believes that the pain of child birth was the punishment on women for the sins of Eve. And that is when they started knocking women out cold to give birth. those aren't even bad pictures!