Title: Kent-Luthor Family
ctbn60 Pairings/characters: Clark, Lex Conner
Rating: PG
Warnings: None unless homework freaks you out!
Spoilers: None
Prompts: Homework
For: Clex Bingo /
clexmas Betas:
twinsarein ,
phoenixnz Thank you ladies for holding my hand.
Short summary: I had offered up suggestions for my freespace and
twilighthdfan (thank you my dear!) had suggested something with Clark, Lex and Conner. I had a homework prompt and decided to use that here. Clark and Lex are living with Conner at the farm and raising him together. Lex is determined to be a good father, and Clark is going to help him.
Usual disclaimers apply. They do not belong to me this is only for fun. No infringement intended.
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