I'm going to post a few pieces each night because I did a full card and have so many. I hope I don't spam you guys. *g*
Title: Prying Eyes
ctbn60 Pairings/characters: Pre Clex Clark/Lex
Rating: NC-17 Nudity.
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Prompts: Voyeurism
For: Clex Bingo /
clexmas Betas:
twinsarein ,
phoenixnz Thank you ladies for holding my hand.
WARNING: It contains an image that isn't work safe.
Short summary: Clark used to think spying on Lana was one way to keep close to her. What happens when he decides to spy on Lex hoping to get closer to him? The old adage be careful for what you wish for comes into play when he sees more then he bargained for. So, being a man of action Clark decides to take matters into his own hands to let Lex know exactly how he feels.
I hope you all enjoy.
Click on the piece below for a link to the larger image.