Well The guys are celebrating the fourth along with the rest of us. Hot dogs, fireworks, Buying up the town for plans in taking over the world. You know, the usual stuff.
People still Boo at Lex as he walks down the street.
Bruce has reached the top level in his career and has achieved his dream goal. I think I'm going to give him a second one. Not sure yet.
Clark is now the team captain. And lex has just brought the lab just outside of town and renamed it Lexcorp Cadmus Labs. An unusual development is both Lex and Bruce want to try and be friends. Hm, I don't know if that is going to work out...or if someone is going to push Bruce and Clark into an affair. *looks around innocently* We will have to see. *eg*
This episode is Pic heavy. I tried to combine them where I could. Enjoy!
Bruce and Dickey! I showed this shot because it shows a really good shot of the baby. The second is because of the look on Bruces face...
The next shot is richard as a toddler. Then Bruce teaching him how to talk and walk.
The fourth shot is a bonus! Floating Dick! Some glitches are funny!!
I think this was when Bruce decided to try and be Lex's friend... I think he felt left out.
Now Lex really did bond with Dick! See below they even kinda look alike...lol
BUT! Lex being Lex...well he finally did it... He took Dick's candy. Bad lex!
Clex fun...
Clark and Lex had a pool contest. Who could stay in the bottom the longest.
Lex won!
Okay now for a sad moment. :( Clark really loves Dick. (Stop snickering! I mean the baby!)
So Lex watches them from afar and he gets really sad and calls social services....
Welcome Jerome Kent Luthor to the family
So Clex decides to celebrate! Wooo Hoooo!
And it is now time for Little Jerome to grow up...
Now daddy Bruce and Daddy Lex teach the boys...
And Little Jerome and Dick grows up...Dick already has the stance down! lol
And the evening ends with Bruce helping Dick with his homework...