In honor of the new year, a themed song lyrics meme.
Presented are snippets of lyrics from a number of different songs. The songs represented all share a commonality in their lyrics (though not in their meaning or mood). Post your song title and artist guesses in comments. Brownie points for being the first to guess the pervasive element in the lyrics; super extra points for quoting the lyrics from each song that pertain to the theme. None of the fragments shown illustrate the common element directly.
Already-guessed songs' lyrics are shown in strikethrough, with the name of the guesser. Update: for completeness, unguessed songs now identified.
- the crown it had fallen, and she thought she would break (guessed by paulobrian)
- when she wants something, man, she don't wanna pay for it (guessed by taradinoc)
- with a snow-white pillow for my big fat head (guessed by pbmath)
- i never said i wouldn't throw my jacket in the mud for you
The White Stripes, "I'm Finding it Harder to be a Gentleman": but if I held the door open for you, it wouldn't make your day
- if it's love you're looking for then i can give a little more (guessed by paulobrian)
- i prefer boysenberry more than any ordinary jam (guessed by od_mind)
- i got me a car, it's as big as a whale (guessed by pbmath)
- but if i had your faith then i could make it safe and clean (covering band guessed by okb)
- many times i've been alone and many times i've cried (guessed by chadu)
- it's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world (guessed by chadu)
- i walk in the air between the rain (guessed by doospack)
- i took her back and made her dessert (guessed by doospack)
- mama, put my guns in the ground; i can't shoot them anymore (guessed by chadu)
- it's not always rainbows and butterflies (guessed by doospack)
- you're not the only one who lives on instincts
Poe, "Wild": Tell me what you've come for, moving like a hunter through my back door
- you want me, well fucking well come and find me
Radiohead, "Talk Show Host": You want me? Well come and break the door down
- hey little girl, would you like some candy? (guessed by paulobrian)
- but he must have been stupid 'cos i saw my friends in the crowd
Save Ferris, "Under 21": And I went on home and got a real short skirt, and I flirt my way right through that goddamn door
- i locked you out; you cut a hole in the wall (guessed by amgb2)
- kiss your mother goodnight and remember that god saves
The Violent Femmes, "Country Death Song": Her face then lit up, I was standing by the door.
- i'm attacking the illusion but the stopping drives me mad
Yello, "The Race": Shut the door, keep down to south!
- imaginary creatures are trapped in birth on celluloid
Genesis, "The Carpet Crawlers": They're moving in time to a heavy wooden door
chadu has guessed the common element: all of these songs mention doors.
Yes, they're all songs I'm familiar with. No, I don't have all the lyrics memorized;
Google was my friend and helped me pin things down.
For the record, "Country Death Song" is the most godawful creepy evil scary brrrr song I know.