Oct 03, 2002 15:54
Bond loves Istanbul. Not the place, the song. You know the one, by They Might Be Giants. Today we played a coaster video for him which featured this song in one of the segments. The following ensues:
"Daddy! 'Stabul! 'Stabul! Show me, show me, DANCE!!" ('show me show me' means "come watch me do this")
Bond grabs Paul by the hand and drags him into the living room at a dead run/slow walk, depending on the length of the legs involved. He comes to a stop in front of the television, grabs both of Paul's hands and begins to jump up and down. This is dancing. As he dances, he is singing along:
" . . . .'stabul . . . .'ople . . . .'stabul
We're leaving this evening to head up to Elysburg for Phoenix Phall Phunphest. This looks to be the first PPP ever to clock in at a decent temparature; the weather sites and the models done by a couple of weather-oriented enthusiasts with access to ability, experience and millions of dollars of computing equipment at work all suggest highs of 70's and lows in the 50's with very little rain. I have yet to see the enthusiast's models be wrong. So, as opposed to every other year we've gone, it looks as though this year we will have comfortable riding the whole weekend.