Sep 05, 2002 13:46
Hey everyone. So at the library now we have a 42" plasma flatscreen TV behind the main desk. It's hooked up to a DVD player, a VCR, a computer, and to regular cable TV. I was having a blast last night putting on DVD's with the subtitles for people to watch when they came into the EIC. I'm bringing my camera next week to take some pictures so everyone will be able to see.
I must say that microeconomics is quite possible the most boring class ever created. Two of my classes, Genetics and Microeconomics, run for 1 hour and 15 minutes. The only difference is that Genetics seems to last about 30 minutes while Micro never ends. It's incredibly unentertaining and I can't see how anyone would want to dedicate their lives to that subject. But hey, that's just my humble opinion.
My walls in my dorm room are still just a little bare so I think I'm going into the city tomorrow and visiting a store or two to get a poster. This place called "Anime Image" supposively has some great Cowboy Bebop wall hangings. I just hope they're not too much seeing how I'm a poor college boy :)
Soon I'll have my picture gallery for my web page up and running with some new stuff from this year.