Have you

Apr 12, 2010 13:05

Have you ever felt that yo u have gottent o a stage in your life where nothing seems new or exciting?

For fear of sounding depressed ( mother suffered of depression - I ain't going that way thank you very much)I want to write about how I feel no excitement with my work currently.
I am dead sure that I must be one of millions and zillions of people who say that, however how does one stop the vicious circle.

You get the job, work hard, get the lovely salary, and get the financial freedom. Get the house, the car, the dog and everything else. Now you find yourself working to support the house, the car and the dog.

I am SUPER passionate about my dogs and consider them my kids and could not imagine a world without them and often have my husband making comments:" But the dogs get everything"
Maybe I am in severe denial but they really do not, all that they get is alot of love and the attention they need. My husband needs to work with this programme as not all the love and attention can go to him all the time.

To get back to my initial comment I find myself passionate about alot of things other than finance (which is what I do) and wander is there a way, a small sliver of hope, whereby I can attain my dreams of being able to work from home? Or work closer to home?

I travel 2 hours a day to work 5 days a weeka dn find this a monumental waste of time and wander how can I use to my advantage until the time that I can work from or closer to home?

I do not want to wake up at 40 and think, wow how time has flown? Did I do everything I wanted to? Or was I working to pay off a house or a car?

Life is precious and everybody tells you how much you should appreciate it, I fully agree but I want to learn new things, push myself all the time. Is there a job out there like that? One in which you do not get bored? One in which you find you mind, body and spirit engaged in?

I believe there is and I think it is different for everyone, that one thing that makes your pulse race, your butterflies go crazy in your stomach.

Watch this space for the quest to continue.
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