Could this week get any better? Yesterday afternoon was just ... incredible. How often does a cyberwitch get to play around with one of
those? Poor Yancey had to put up with my babbling for far too long. I'm so lucky that he puts up with me so well.
And today the contractors should be finished with the store, which means that as soon as they leave, I can finally put the finishing touches on the protections, which'll mean that this Digital Page will be as safe as the one I had back home.
Astraeia's throwing me a bachelorette party tonight! Not at the strip club, thank the gods. Once was enough for me. Besides, none of the strippers were Yancey. Instead, we're just going to gather in Willy's Place. Kinda like a Girls' Night Out, only with presents. More my style. Yancey's not completely happy about it, but he's eased off on the paranoia a bit, and he agreed that the bar is almost as safe as our apartment. Plus he knows Astraeia and the others wouldn't let anything happen to me. He'll be here at the apartment while I'm gone, and if there's any trouble, I'm sure Astraeia will 'port over and let him know I need rescuing again.
Grand opening next week! Wheee! Making money the old-fashioned way again....