Sep 29, 2004 18:34
There is never a lack for stories in Sunnydale, California. I swear I've never had so much fun on any assignment before. This is better than following the Bush twins during Spring break. Seriously. Hell, this is better than the hotel parties at the Republican National Convention and I really didn't think anything could top that.
I covered the tragic death of a Sunnydale resident when his son and friends attacked the poor guy and his wife. There was so much temptation to spin it so the cops looked like morons, but I can't piss off the Mayor. These are his people so I turned it into a heroic piece of three newly transferred cops coming to the aid of the traumatized wife with back up from the current cop in charge, Sgt. Harris. I'm going to get an interview with Harris later, but I made sure to mention that the Mayor is insisting the new officers are trained to handle every type of emergency that arrives in Sunnydale. Including vamped teenage rebellion.
I've made sure to have Ryan get plenty of footage of the different types of demons and their activities. I'm going to visit the Mayor today and find out which direction he wants to go. We have a couple of options. Either we spin it so it looks like Sunnydale is right on top of things and scare the hell out of any demons thinking of starting crap in this town. Or we make it look like this is demon paradise, get plenty of demons here to fight it out and whoever is left standing? We make sure endorses the Mayor in his reelection campaign.
No matter which way we go. I'm totally making this an exclusive series after the reelection. Watch out world, Carrie Morrison is about to leap to the big leagues.