Le Interview

Mar 27, 2008 08:59

 So tonight is the dreaded parent-teacher interview night.  I really hate having to stay until 8pm.  It makes for a crazy long day.  We start shortly after 8am so I am here generally by 7:40am and then to stay till 8pm and thn have a 30 minute drive home is a totaly drag.  Luckily, I don't have many interviews and of the six I have, 2 are are just students where you say "They're awesome, what else can I say?"  Those are the easy ones.

On another note, Mr. Swiss' business is picking up and he now has solid work booked already for the next 6 weeks.  This means at last we will have some financial peace again instead of the monthly, slowly slipping further into debt.

Mr. Swiss' parents are coming in 6 weeks and with them they bring enthusiam and a desire to help work on our house.  I am happy to have them here.  I *hope* (fingers crossed) that father in law will be happy to work on the back entrance to our house where we need a powder room (sink and toilet ) and a large hand built closet for jackets, shoes etc.  Man, I would be over the moon.  Right now that area is the crap hole of our house and I have to walk in to it everyday where boxes and randomly dumped and forgotten things go to die. It's dirty and ugly and I hate it.   I can't wait until it is fixed.

That's about it folks.  How are you?
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