Oct 14, 2005 20:55
I just met got home from work. I had a pretty good day in sales, but I'm so tired. I didn't even get a lunch. I nearly tripled what everyone else did, and I honestly didn't even try that hard. It was great. I met my boss today, and I was worried yesterday that I was gonna make a bad impression, but I actually came off quite well. I said the right things, remembered the correct policies when he asked me, and asked all the right questions. Then I backed up my excellence by performing well in numbers all day. I think I'm on the right track for a promotion or raise... My boss's boss's boss's boss from florida just got promoted to head of all retail for the entire country, and because our area (michigan)is a test market for a new position, he's coming to visit our area next month. The good news about that... he adores me... or at least he acted like he did in florida. I'm not sure if he's gonna remember me well enough to make me look better... but whatever.
My birfday is coming! I cannot believe I'm almost 22. I know its not that old, but MY GOD how time has past. I wish I made it last longer, because now time is going to fly past even faster. I'm married... soon it will be college... then kids... then mini-vans and soccer practice... then my kids will go to college... then I will retire... then I'll be OLD!!! That's only like 25 years away, and I'm already half way there!! ugh! I hate growing up! (and yet I look down on those who don't do at least a little bit of it.)
When I came home today, I walked into my building and kevin was standing in the hallway. He gave me a kiss, then walked me into the apartment. He had candles lit everywhere and dinner laid out! He even wrapped the silverware! I had a wine glass full of Cranberry juice and my sexy husband sitting across from me looking mighty fine!! Yes, I'm really a lucky gal!
Kevin had an interview at "Gate Gourmet," which is where my roommate and best friend amanda works. Apparently he made a good impression... on the ladies, because amanda came home and told us that the "girls" at work said he was "nice to look at" and hoped he got hired. I laughed. Kevin doesn't think he's as good looking as he is. I guess that makes me even luckier to have him, because if he did realize how FUCKING GORGEOUS he was, then he'd probably be an arrogant asshole who wanted to spend more time with the mirror than me. I'm torn, because I want him to realize that he's FUCKING FINE, but I also adored that he's so modest. Oh well, I'll be content just looking at him and smiling!
Aside from money and the long drive to and from work, I'm absolutely the happiest I've been in quite some time. I honestly am thankful for all I have. Parents and family who (however crazy they may be) love me and accept my new husband (or boyfriend for those who I'm not telling yet). A job that pays excellently for how old and inexperienced I am. A large well heated apartment, with space for everyone! (hint hint!) A car that, dispite its problems, is still a working car!
I think today would really be topped of with some sensual, sweaty sex. (gotta love the three "S's")
ta ta for now!