Apr 04, 2005 13:48
Sorry for the lack of posting... someone (who hasn't revealed themselves to me) is reading my LJ, then feels it is important to e-mail my entries to my boyfriend... whom doesn't read my LJ... only because he doesn't feel a need to. First of all... whoever is doing this... please tell me who you are. I think it's really disrespectful to do what you are doing... and I don't know why you would do it. Are you trying to hurt my relationship? Newsflash: my boyfriend and I talk about everything I write in here... even if he doesn't read it... so nothing that I write is news to him. So, if you want to keep being sneaky, then by all means, go for it. You aren't accomplishing anthing... unless it's for personal satisfaction... then you are just sad and pathetic. Let me know who you are. All my contact info is on my information page, so please figure out how to contact me so we can straighten things out. That is all I have to say about that.
Things have been a whole lot better. School is going well... I'm getting really good grades, and I'm actually proud of myself. Phsically... well, I'm still feeling a little sick. I have been taking about 2 naps a day, averaging 2 hours long, then I sleep all night without a problem. I get tired from getting up to walk to the bathroom or the fridge. Jacinto has been very helpful and supportive and helps me with everything. It's so nice to have him aroud right now. Hopefully I will be all better in 2 weeks. Until then... I still am getting dizzy and nauseous, tired and weak... it sucks.
The past few weeks I've been having everyone over to hang out... and it has been a lot of fun. The usual group is me, Jacinto, Jess, Rolando, Matt, Brandi, Sean, Mindy... occationally Toni, Justin, Wendee, Meesh, Dono and friends, etc. We've had 2 "ghetto potlucks" which are a lot of fun. Basically we have everyone bring something... anything... to the table. It doesn't matter if it "matches" the other dishes. It's fun to see what everyone comes up with... and its always an excellent combination anyways. Plus, it's just been fun to have everyone together... just hanging out.
I'm still looking for apartments for me and Wendee. I'm looking forward to moving... but it doesn't look like I will ever live anywhere better than this house. I was so lucky to live here in the first place... but I know for a fact that Wendee and I will have so much fun together, so I can't wait.
We had a track meet the past weekend... I wasn't able to run, so I was working the "clerk of the course" with Drea. It was cool because we were able to talk, and I always have so many questions for her. We worked so hard... a lot of changes had to be made, and we didn't have a "runner" to run the heat sheets up to the starting line, so Drea and I had to take turns. We also didn't have anyone to announce the first calls for check in, so we had to do that also. We also had to staple the results up on the boards. The thing that bothered me... most of the "star runners" of the track team (Liz, Daniel, Christian and Zack)... didn't do a damn thing. They didn't lift a finger to help any of us. When Drea asked for help, Zack looked at her as if she were speaking a different language. When Dale asked Daniel to help me staple up results, he just walked away. I don't understand... I can't have respect for people who just show up and do nothing for the team. Here I am, working my ass off, while I am not running, while I'm sick, and the people that are supposed to be "role models" and the runners that we are supposed to "look up to" and "respect"... don't do anything to help. I was just so mad... that they are able to sit on their asses... talk to other athletes... joke with each other... and they are still the people we are supposed to "look up to". FUCK THAT. I lost almost all respect for them. Especially for Liz... who sat and talked to Stram for an hour, while she saw that Drea and I were swamped with work. Especially when after the last relay was done, after the last event was completed, she asked Stram right in front of me, if there was "anything she could do to help".
And how are we supposed to have team unity, when our team is overflowing with assumptions and favortism? I don't mean with the coach... he does as good of a job as he can. But I mean, with the athletes. The team is clearly divided. And these so-called "role models" of the team are always asking for team unity... for team spirit... but they sit on their asses while their teammates are running. They keep talking to the people they are talking to. They don't even cheer. And if (the few times) they do... it's just a half-assed "Way to go!" or "Good Job" or "You look good!" I honestly don't understand.
Sorry for the rant.. but it's been growing for some time now. I was just blown away by their behavior. But whatever... there's nothing I can do. I don't have the "power" that they have... and if I say something, people would just look at me like I was stupid. Except Drea. She saw it also, and I plan to talk to her, and maybe she can say something to Stram.
Ok... time to eat someting... more posts to come... I promise.... things have been a little... unbalenced lately... so, hopefully things will get better soon! Later gators!