Yeah, so our power went out at about 2:00am on Wednesday night (I guess technically Thursday morning, but who's counting) so I was about two days without power, this was due to an ice storm on Wednesday that knocked out power for about 700,000 people (
heathbar66 would know a more accurate count, I bet he had a fun past few days at work ;) ) but anyway our particular outage was due to too much ice forming on a 70 foot tree about 6 houses down the street from me, which fell because of the weight onto a power line. We also had two large trees in our backyard fall over, one of which fell right on our chain-link fence so that will have to be replaced.
Let me just say how much it SUCKED having no heat for two days when it was 20º outside. Luckily on Thursday my father bought a power generator which we used on our sump pump, sewer pump, and a small TV... lol. Later, my uncle came over and hooked it up to our furnace so the downstairs had some heat, but the upstairs (where I live) is on a boiler system and not the furnace so I was still screwed. I ended up sleeping on the living room floor downstairs that night, and at some point in the middle of the night the generator ran out of gas so the furnace kicked off and I was awakened at 5:45am freezing. Anyway the power came back on at about 8:00pm last night (Friday) after seeing bucket trucks driving up and down our road all day. I think my video card got partially fried though, because my computer no longer recognizes it for some reason and has some generic drivers going which slow down my video to a crawl, it's so damn choppy and they don't support OpenGL or DirectX either. O_o so I am going to have to go buy a new video card later today that I can't really afford but I guess I'm going to have to because it's driving me nuts and I can't even watch video without it looking like a picture slideshow. :(
In other news, I received a threatening voicemail from Kenny on Thursday night (I didn't answer the phone because I was asleep) saying that either I give him his Yahoo! password back or I can "kiss his ass" about him sending any money. The funny thing is that I know he isn't going to send me anything and he thinks he can use the money as a crutch to get what he wants. I have decided that after almost 6 months I do not want his money anymore and would just prefer to have him out of my life. I already had to file bankruptsy on most of the charges incurred while I was living with him so there really is no point on collecting anything from him, which may sound stupid but I'd just assume not deal with him any longer than continue to go back and forth about the money issues.
And as for even more news, I had to go take my drug test for the Sheraton yesterday. It ended up being a hair folicle test instead of a urine test, which means I'm pretty much fucked considering the marijuana metabolyte can be detected in hair for as long as 6 months, as opposed to between a few days and 2 weeks with the urine sample. I feel that it is not right to judge what someone does outside of work as long as they do not do any illegal activity while at the job, especially with marijuana. I'd rather have a stoner working for me than someone who could be an alcoholic any day, but of course they don't test against alcohol because that's legal. Gotta love the fucked up laws in this country.
Well, that's it... I'm going to go see if I can get me a decent video card for under $100.