Mar 11, 2008 15:42
Well I have decided to resurrect my LJ and begin posting again. Since I am in the library now and have been working the past 90 mins and need a break, now seems like a wonderful time to begin. Granted it is quite likely this will become a soapbox for my rants more than a play-by-play for my life, but that is probably more interesting anyways. However I think I will break out with some updates first, just for shits and giggles... plus it will serve as a barometer for where I am.
As I mentioned I am currently in the FAU library raping the online databases for fodder for a paper. This paper is attached to the class I took on Minimalism last term. Due to some laziness on my part, and some confusion on my supervising professor's part I received an incomplete for the course. The paper I am doing is to serve as a remedy for that. I only have about four weeks to finish the paper; it is the most ambitious work I have attempted since my master's thesis... and of course I am behind.
The focus of the paper is on color minimalist vocabulary. For those of you in the biz, I am focusing on Arnold Schoenberg and his Klangfarbenmelodie and Dan Flavin's industrial florescent lights. I have never really liked Schoenberg's music but have come to respect him (much like I have Cage) over the past few years. For me the value of his music is more philosophical than aesthetic... there are exceptions of course. As for Flavin I really enjoy his work because of how simple yet how colorful and somewhat complex it can be.
To my surprise there seems to be little research into this area. I figured there would be alot more. Not to say there isn't anything, but much less volume than I expected. I suppose that means the area is ripe for publication, which has become a recent goal of mine, but we'll see. To me publication, even in a journal, seems daunting. It seems like I need to be an authority before I can expect people to read my work, but I dunno. I def pledge ignorance on this subject. It is one of my main complaints of my degree program... with all the emphasis placed on publishing, there is very little here in the ways of support for it.
Of course for a doctoral program I guess forcing teaching students to rely on themselves is pretty normal and expected.