"I drink your milkshake! I drink it up!"

Feb 25, 2009 21:53

Oh if only that quote could justify the gloriousness of Daniel Day Lewis.


I am particularly pleased with how well my classes are going this semester, especially learning community. Even though the last paper was a huge pain, I'm happy with it's outcome, so hopefully all goes well.

I must say, though, I do prefer history 1301. I enjoyed learning about the real beginning of the United States, and now we're learning about the negativity surrounding wars, the condition of factories (meat packing...ew), and expansionism. 1301 made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside because we were separating ourselves from the bad mother country, but 1302 has just turned the tables around.

Also, I really liked how the power went out and Professor Gunderson just ran with it. I liked not having to stare at a powerpoint screen. Plus it just goes to show ya that that lady knows her stuff! haha.
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