Random stuff, yet again

Nov 10, 2006 08:49

On this day...

... in 1775, the Marine Corps was established.
... in 1801, Tennessee was the first state to outlaw dueling.
... in 1483, Martin Luther (not King) was born.
... in 1925, Richard Burton was born.

Last night, Mike and I went to see The Prestige.  My mind is sill doing the figurative *blink, blink* thing.  I cannot say one single word about why I'm still in a muddled state for fear of giving something away, and there is plenty to give away, so I will settle for saying it is the story of two 19th century magicians in a lifelong magic-duel, of sorts.  Which is WAY oversimplyifying things, but I honestly can't say anything more except that I recommend the movie.  (Perhaps not the 10:15 p.m. showing right before bed, the way I did it, because you'll have the most fucked up dreams imaginable, but still.)

Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman, Michael Cain and David Bowie are amazing actors.  Sincerely top of their game.  Scarlet Johanson...was not the right choice, I don't think, for her role.  It required a depth that I have never found her capable of and I think the casting people should have opted for a lesser known, higher quality actress in that part rather than attempting to pack in the highest quantity of star power possible.

Outside of that, I made a list yesterday of all the things left to do for the wedding.  It was longer than I anticipated.  I need a good planner, but I have yet to find one that suits all my needs.  I told Mike that I'm considering tearing apart other planners, using the parts I need, sticking in new parts, and patenting it.  Surely I'm not the only bride-to-be who has discovered that all these so-called Wedding Planners are complete crap, either chock-full of suggestions and no place to plan out your own wedding, or suggestionless and full of blank, useless pages.  Also, I have YET to find a useful calendar that I can fill out in any of them.  It's frustrating, and it's left me to jot things on giant index cards that, of course, end up scattered to the four winds.

Apparently, I do things in spurts.  Plan my wedding in big, manic, sleepless chunks.  Write in frustrating little snippets.  Hike with my dog in guilty waves.  I'd love to get on a more even keel and not do things as the whim comes and goes.  I need to figure out how to discipline myself better.  I need Chuck Norris.
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