1. Three names you go by:
Mac (even though I'm a Mick)
2. Three Screen Names you have had:
Here's where it's gonna get odd...
Taryn Ciorstaidh
Bonnie Sage
3. Three physical things you like about yourself:
My hair, finally!
Eyes (green/hazel...unique color, I like it)
My...toenails? They're painted pretty coral color right now.
4. Three physical things you don't like about yourself:
Right, this is much more up my alley.
My poochy belly!
My chin. I wish it was more elegant.
My butt. Sigh.
5. Three Parts of Your Heritage:
Scots first
Irish after that
...American? Nothing else after that.
6. Three Things That Scare You:
Getting old
7. Three of Your Everyday Essentials:
Smallville (I'm a freak)
My boyfriend, Mike
Pepsi One
8. Three Things you are Wearing:
My silver rope necklace Mike gave me with a plastic ring and a Celtic triangle on it. Never take that off.
A thong. Just for fun.
9. Three of your favorite bands/singers:
Have to agree with Filipe--the Beatles.
Garth Brooks
Sarah McLachlin (how the hell do you spell that girl's name?)
10. Three of your Favorite Songs:
"Is it over yet?" -- Wynnona Judd
"Angel" -- Sarah McL.
"Wonderwall" -- Oasis
11. Three Things You Want in a Relationship:
12. Two truths and a lie (in no particular order)
In third grade, I got tired of my name and went by "Suzy."
I've put my hand into the nether regions of a heifer to help it give birth.
My favorite color is red.
Do I have to tell which is the lie?
13. Three Physical Things About the Opposite (or same) Sex That Appeal to You:
How'd I know Filipe would pick T&A?
Hands/forearms...for some reason, those are wildly sexy to me.
14. Three of your favorite hobbies:
Horseback riding
15. Three Things You Want to do Right Now:
Go swimming! I haven't done that all summer!
Get back in bed and finish Harry Potter.
Play Zuma. (Man, I'm lazy.)
16. Three careers you're considering/you've considered:
Fiction writer
Speech writer
Political consultant
17. Three places you want to go on vacation:
Scotland (again)
18. Three kids' names you like:
Emma (I named a calf that, and I loved her!)
19. Three things you want to do before you die:
Get married, Michael...hint, hint...
Write a book. And finish it.
Do a family tree so my weans can see where they came from.
20. Three ways you are stereotypically a boy:
I have gaseous expulsions.
My uniform of choice is jeans and t-shirts.
I can play video games for hours.
21. Three ways that you are stereotypically a girl:
I own a zillion pairs of shoes.
I wear mascara.
I cannot stand for guests in my house to see my bed unmade.
22. Three celebrity crushes:
Matt Damon
Matthew McConnaughy (before he got odd)
Richard Dean Anderson (I'm ALL about MacGyver)