Nov 23, 2004 09:43
Everyone feels different about thanksgiving. Some think that it sux either their family can't successfully put together a meal of edible value, the person hates the idea of spending time with the people that he/she loathes more than gumby hating those cube guys, or they just don't feel thrilled. I personally love thanksgiving. turkey+ mashed potatoes = good clean fun. Last year I wanted to punch my mom in the face when she said we weren't going to be having mashed potatoes. This year I put myself in charge of that category. I think if I can i 'm gonna roast some garlic and put that in. It will be beautiful. One of my friends last year, his parents made a nasty arse fat free thaksgiving. all i can say about that is yelchschmucks! Hopefully his parents won't continue with that smorgisborg. On a different topic, my weeks vacation has started well. On Friday I hung out with lauren at my house and we watched a chrismas story. Twas glorious. Saterday Csl had show, which i thought went surprisingly well. I'm glad Jordan did better than ?I thought. After the show many of us went to denny's joining the motha fuckin schooner crew. Tis always a delight and fun. I was saddened that dennys no longer serves up the breakfast dagwood. that sandwich was sooooo good. it had eggs, bacon, ham, sausage, and 3 KINDS OF CHEESES! but i got the club sandwich, and that was really good....or maybe i was just hungry. Me and ross waited around to 12 even tho i was supposed to be back then, to celebrate one of my bestfriends, Mike Lane, birthdays. I got home, without getting in trouble and whatnot, talked to lauren, and went into a bearlike slumber. The next day Lauren and I went to Mike Lanes at around 11 to celebrate his BDay again. She made him a really nice card, and gave him some lime bars. Aint she sweet. I gave Mike Lane a guitar pick. Except for party's which he hasn't had since the 8 grade, we've never really exchanged presents between eachother. But he's still my boy. Then after that ME and lane went to pick up Jello. I treated both of them to quiznos. It was soooo good, when leaving I saw lauren and mother, brother about to pick up sandwiches for their tahoe trip, so i got to say goodbye again to her before her trip to tahoe. Supposedly AHO was my first word/sound. I hung out at jellos playing video games and such watching fahrenheit, pestering Jan/jello's mom. At the dinner table I started laughing incredibly at the wildly innapropriate thought of Sizzlers being cannibalistic and serving up chopped& grilled vegetables. Think about it... My monday sucked, it was a whole lot of work, tho i had two sandwiches, which was great. Today....hmmm. Csl has a show at this gay bar called Kimo's at 9. I'm not really sure what to think about it. I know I'm gonna be up hellof late. I'm gonna try and finish all my hw so i can do something with lauren tomorrs. even if it's her coming over here and we're forced to work in the kitchen like there's no tomorrow. My caucazn bitch/mother goes crazy in prep for thanksG. well i'll talk to allyall l8er.