April 5th, 2007

Apr 05, 2007 22:04

Posting this a little early since I'm calling it a night soon.

The second set of five questions were suggested by siriusly_sex. Since they deal with only three characters (one from each show), there is another set of five questions that you can answer instead of /as well as the former characters questions. Three of the questions deal with a particular character, so if you have no opinion feel free to skip it.

Regular Five

1 - Is there any character you feel has, over the years, changed signigantly in a positive way?
2 - Is there any character you feel has, over the years, changed signigantly in a negative way?
3 - Are cannon pairings (Grissom/Sara, Hagen/Calleigh, Horatio/Marisol, Delko/Natalia, Mac/Peyton & Danny/Lindsay) a positive or negative addition to the show(s)?
4 - If you could swap one character for another on any of the shows (or other procedural dramas besides the CSI shows), who would you swap and why?
5 - Greg, Sofia, Ryan and Hawkes went from one job to another in their respective series (tech to CSI, CSI to detective, patrol officer to CSI and coroner to CSI, respectively). Are there any characters who are not CSIs that you would like to see become CSIs, or CSIs you would like to see working in some other part of the labs or as detectives?

Holly Gribbs, Tim Speedle, and Aiden Burn have been killed off their respective shows

1 - How did you feel when that happened?
2 - Do you think that you could have written a better ending for their characters? (If so, write it!)
3 - If Holly had lived, how do you think she would've fit into the CSI team?
4 - If Speed had lived, do you think Ryan would've still been introduced?
5 - If Aiden had lived, how do you think she and Lindsay would've gotten along?

Also, if you answer these, please put that you got them from this website. That way the community gets pimped a little more.
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