Jul 01, 2006 00:50
Flippin' sweet day.
I came home from work, and then went to a picnic with my brother, his girlfriend Lauren (soon to be my future sister-in-law by the end of this summer), Lauren's sister Kristen, Nikki, and Wally (friends of my bro) and nikki's brother, Johnny.
We went to the park and grilled. That was so funny. Because first we forgot a spatula and tongs to flip the burgers and hot dogs over. So Lauren and Nikki had to go to Shoprite.
But before that, they realized that they forgotten to pack ketchup. So Lauren and Nikki had walked to a nearby store to get it.
So they come back with a dixie cup full of ketchup which was just ridiculous in itself.
Now my brother, Justin, was never the family athlete, but he was fooling around, tossing a football, etc.
Well Nikki is video recording him playing football because it's such a rare occasion.
As a joke, he threw the football at her.
But... it bounced onto the table and completely knocked off the cup of ketchup, which splatterd all over her. Her legs were covered. Simply hysterical. Poor Nikki. We all had a good laugh at her expense.
We have it all on tape and have already watched it several times.
So let's see...what else. Justin, Wally, and Johnny decided to take a walk in the woods. I would have gone but I hadn't brought sneakers.
Instead, Nikki, Lauren, Kristen, and I decided to sit out in the sun. They all had worn bathing suits, but I hadn't known.
Well by this time it was at least 5:00. The sun wasn't too strong and there was this gorgeous summer breeze blowing clear across the field.
And we talked.
It's not awkward talking to this bunch. They're very nice people and pretty funny.
Besides, I better get used to it. These situations will occur with more frequency.
I was lying down, with a visor over my face, half hoping to fall asleep right then and there.
But instead we talked which was cool, too.
A couple of times, it was about a cute, shirtless guy running across the field.
"What's the best feature of a guy?" The conversation had gone down this path.
"CHEST," I said.
Everyone burst out laughing because I said it with such conviction.
So eventually we left and split up. Everyone went home to shower and clean up.
I wasn't sure if I should go out to dinner with the bunch, but I figured why not.
Kristen won't bring her boyfriend because she has said that he had been busy today.
Well of course he did, in fact, meet us there.
7's a crowd maybe, but it didn't feel awkward at all.
Besides, if I hadn't come I would never have gotten a Mr. Conehead dessert at Friendly's.
So that was my day in a nutshell.
I had a good time.