Dec 02, 2004 07:04
Well yesterday was interesting to say the least. Mr. Amato is giving us another lab to do today, which will probably be easy. We've been doing a lot of Vector stuff like projectiles lately, and it's rather easy. After that in religion, (sp?) Megan Dendy (sp?) made a point in the debate we were having, that LaSalle was more friendly in social aspects than other High Schools. Now in my view, that may be true, but it's not valid unless you've been to other High Schools yourself to verify that claim, because otherwise there's no way to compare them. Well she was very upset for the rest of the day, which is bothering me. I mean, I don't even know her, but now she doesn't exactly like me. Also, the class thinks that I " disagree with everything ". Well, if you say something that I don't agree with, then yeah, I guess I do disagree! Especially since that's the point of a debate.
The rest of the day went by really quickly: Mrs. Romani was out, and so was Ms. Krause for two consecutive periods. Then I went home and went to work at 4:30. I got home at 8:00, and programmed for a bit. Then I finally went to sleep, and I'm still tired -_-;
Today I expect to go much in the same manner, minus one thing. I have to appologize to Mr. Amato second period because I refused to do his problems. I know it's wrong of me seeing as he is my teacher regardless of how much he can't teach, but there's something wrong when your teacher "Only works here.", and doesn't even know how to do the problems he's asking us to do. I'll appologize to him, but he needs to either realize he has other priorities so we can get another teacher, or alternatively, start learning how to do the work he wants us do himself.
Have a Great Day all ^_^
Comments appreciated on these two issues. (Dendy and Amato)