Back in the Hill . . . AS A SENIOR!!!!

Aug 20, 2006 18:11

So, I'm back in Chapel Hill. We got everything moved in this morning. We woke Kacie up, too, which was kinda not cool, but kinda funny. Harassing the roommate is always fun, especially when I haven't had the chance to since May. Move-in wasn't bad, especially since we were moving in at around 8 o'clock. No one else really wants to be up that early moving in, but I was. When a pillow lands on your head at ten after 6 in the morning, lobbed from the bed on the other side of the hotel room, sleeping after that just isn't going to happen. So, we were up early, and getting ready to move in. I had told Kacie that it wasn't going to happen until around 9, so when we barged in early, I felt bad. But anyway, things went quick, we didn't quite stay in the '40 minute' range, but we got it done. And then I had to go park in the PR lot. That was depressing. I've got about three weeks before the hardship parking stuff comes into play, so I'm just gonna have to deal with the NU bus thing. Hopefully, hardship will come through. If not, c'est la vie. I'm hopefully going to go get the car tomorrow to start my assistant coaching thing at East Chapel Hill High School tomorrow. For my Sport Skills III class, we have to coach/assistant coach, so I'm helping with volleyball at ECHHS, which is very cool, 'cause that's what I want to coach someday. Speaking of class, here's a rundown of what all I've got on my plate this semester:

+ Sport Skills III - Fulfills the coaching ed. minor and gets me coaching volleyball. Should be an interesting class, sounds like it's gonna give us a lot to talk about, and so long as you're into sports, it oughta be alright. The professor seems alright, which is good, because I have Sport Skills II with her next semester, too.
+ Administration of Athletics - Again with the coaching ed. minor, but something a little different. I've never really thought much about how you have to do administration and stuff with sports, but I bet this will be useful.
+ Number Theory - Math major requirement, I think the book is gonna eat me. The thing is huge! I hope it won't be too bad. I'm just gonna keep telling myself that it cannot be as bad as advanced calculus was last semester. That class just sucked, and everyone said it was all down hill from there, so I hope they were right.
+ Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry - Me and Geometry don't always mix well. Out of all the math classes I took in high school, Geometry was my least favorite, but I know I may end up teaching it, and I really should take it here, so I'm gonna. But it may suck. Then again, it can't be any worse than advanced calculus (famous last words, right).
+ History and Culture of High School - MY LAST TEACHING FELLOWS CLASS EVER!!!! It sounds like it will be interesting, though it will be kinda strange because the class will not be with my usual cohort. Since I'm graduating early, I'm skipping the junior class and only taking the senior's required class, so I'm with the cohort ahead of the cohort I came in with. But, I know a lot of them, and they're all good folks, and we'll be going through MAT together, so I think it'll be alright. This will be my first real, take-it-seriously education class I've had since coming to UNC. I mean, all my other TF classes have been one-hour credit classes that have basically been a time filler. But this, this is gonna be an actual hardcore, final exam at the end, education class. I'm looking forward to it.

So, that's the rundown of the semester. And of course, in case you missed it, I'M A SENIOR!!! I'm happy about that, in case you can't tell. It's not like I don't have a year of MAT after this, but just getting that undergraduate mathematics degree from UNC-CH will be an amazing accomplishment. Kinda that one down, one to go thing. But at any rate, these next two semesters are gonna rock.

We're heading out to Fall Fest tonight. Senior shirts are on sale tonight, and you better believe I'm getting one. Actually, I'm getting two, since I'm getting a T-shirt and a long sleeved shirt. And Kacie has never been to Fall Fest in her previous three years at UNC, so we'll have to drag her out tonight. And we are. And we're gonna get all kinds of free stuff while we're out there, so things will be cool. And then we'll come back here and collapse. Actually, it's more like we'll come back here and watch what's left of Grey's Anatomy (seeing as I doubt we'll be back in by 10, and I'm not really gonna try, if you wanna know the truth). We may end up watching some of the Grey's Anatomy episodes that I have on tape. Can never get enough of McDreamy!!! :-D

Tomorrow night we take Kacie out for her birthday, and that will be a blast!! I will guarantee it. I don't know who all is going, but I figure there will be a group of us, and we'll go goof off and be crazy like we always are, and we'll definitely have a good time. I'm taking a camera to thoroughly document everything. It should be worth the use of film.

At any rate, this is shaping up to be a phenomenal year. I'm looking forward to the classes, to the friends and fun times, and of course, to being a SENIOR!! Let's git-r-dun class of 2007!!! :-D
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