My Love For You Is Forever 3/?

Jun 06, 2009 00:28

A/N: Sorry it's been so long. RL gets in the way. Going away for the weekend so no updates for a little while. Thanks for the lovely comments :)

Sam watched carefully as his older sister sauntered into the kitchen. Her face might fool anyone else but he knew she was hurting on the inside. Emma must of sensed it also because as soon as Olivia sat down she asked,“Mommy are you okay?” Olivia gently smiled at her daughter and replied, “Yeah baby, I'm fine.”

That seemed to satisfy the little girl, but Sam wasn't fooled by the facade. “Are you sure Olivia?” Sam asked putting an emphasis on her name. Olivia glared at her brother. Even after all these years he could still read her like an open book.

“I'm positive, Samuel,” Olivia replied just as Natalia walked in with Rafe. “RAFE!” Yelled Emma excitedly, happy to see him again. She shot out of her seat and jumped in his arms. “Munchkin! How are you?” Rafe asked smiling happily at the little girl he thought of as a little sister. Little Emma babbled on about school, her friends, and how much she missed Rafe. Olivia felt a gentle smile tug at her lips as she gazed at them.

Feeling a tug on her arm she turned and looked at her brother. “ Come sit with me Liv,” Sam said. Olivia reluctantly sat at the table and turned to him. “How are you really?” This time Sam spoke in French to keep it between the two of them. “ I've been better, a lot has happened in the past year,” Olivia replied her eyes downcast. Sam looked at her worriedly but before he could say anything two mug of hot coffee was placed in front of them. Natalia gave them a quick smile before going back to the coffee machine.

Olivia watched her walk away feeling sad. Why can't the things in my life ever be easy? She thought somberly. “ You're in love with her, aren't you Olivia?” Sam asked gently. At that very moment Olivia had taken a sip of her coffee. Now she choked on it, coughing and looking at her brother like a deer caught in headlights. How the fuck did he figure that out so fast? Was it written all over my face? Dammit, Olivia thought panicking.

“ Yes I am. Do you have a problem with it?” Olivia all but barked, not denying it. It was true wasn't it? “Nope not one, I'm happy for you. Does she know?” Sam asked in french. “Yes she does, and she feels the same way. Look can we talk about this later? I would rather not have an audience,” Olivia said glancing warily around. She had been nervous about what Sam would say about her and Natalia. Sam was good at reading her emotions.

Olivia apparently didn't have to worry about how Sam would take the news. He seemed ecstatic about it. It's no wonder. I haven't been in love in such a long time. He just wants me to be happy. Unbidden tears came to Olivia's eyes. She stood up so quickly that everyone stopped and stared at her. “ I'm going for a walk,” She said hurriedly. Before Sam could protest she stalked out of the kitchen unaware of Natalia putting down her dishrag and walking determinedly after her. Sam smiled and thought to himself, maybe Natalia can get through to my hardheaded sister. She deserves to be happy. All that she has been though this past year. Natalia is the one person that has gotten under Olivia;s skin and wormed her way into her heart, no matter how many walls she put around it. Go Natalia!

guiding light

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