In a state of contented restlessness.

Apr 03, 2006 16:59

I glued the poof things to my earphones so they don't fall off every four seconds and roll under some obscure dust-infested thing. I don't know why I didn't figure that out before. I want to know how much I weigh. The scale we have is one with a dial and it hasn't worked for years. According to it, I am 126 lbs but then people who I assume are heavier than me say they're 103 and ridiculous almost-triple digit numbers. So I really have no idea. I am getting my headshots done next week or the week after! I am really actually quite excited. I have to pick out clothes that look good on me, because I'm getting them done in colour. I should take my mom up on her offer to go shopping with me. I want an entire wardrobe from Le Chateau. I find their clothes are really classy but either come in ridiculously small or large sizes. And I am neither of those. My dad called me anorexic TWICE in five minutes last weekend just because I didn't want lunch half an hour after I ate breakfast. I am not fat. And I am not going to say I'm fat or complain like a tween because I know I'm not fat. I'm also not in denial. And even if I was, I'd know deep down, and one way or another, something would be eating away at me. I guess it's that I don't skate anymore and don't need to eat 3000 carbs a day or whatever I ate before. And I've probablly gained 5 pounds, but I'm really kicking at a dead horse now with the rantble I've gotten going. (and that is rantble, not ramble!)

I need to phone a photographer now, so this is where I will leave you. Nowhere. Enjoy!

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