Title: Through Time Part 1/?
Author: Rerieth.
Pairing(s): Jack/Ianto, Mac/Don/Danny
Rating: FRT (for now)
Warnings: Threesome, violence, and very confusing time jumps.
Disclaimer: I don't own either Torchwood or CSI: NY. Unfortunately.
Summery: In pursuit of an answer, Danny gets caught in the flotsam
A/N: Not beta'd. Feedback is welcome, but be nice, I am a beginner.
Also, I wasn't quite sure on the dates for events in both shows, so I'm just guessing here. The first bit is set between S2 and S3 of CSI: NY, and mid S2 of Torchwood, between A Day In Death and Something Borrowed. Possible spoilers for all episodes leading up to these.
August 12th, 2006. Brooklyn, New York.
Danny sprinted up the alleyway, stumbling every so often and panting heavily, He could hear the footsteps of his pursuers echoing down the narrow path as they ran after him. Thankfully, they weren't as fast, but Danny had been running longer and was about ready to collapse.
He sped around a corner and pulled up sharply as he found his way blocked by a building. He was trapped, and the laughter from behind him said that his pursuers knew he would be. He cursed himself for getting into this situation. Why the hell hadn’t he just listened to Mac? The CSI looked down at the object in his hand, the thing he was being chased for, then turned around to the way he came just as three large men came round the corner, grinning sadistically.
The four squared off, Danny backing very slowly away as the others moved closer. They weren’t armed, but neither was Danny, and despite self-defence training the young CSI couldn’t fight off three men that size. Suddenly, the three men froze and stared at Danny in horror. Confused, Danny stared back at them for a moment before looking down again at the object. It was glowing brightly, and got brighter and brighter. Danny screamed as his world exploded in white light, and he vanished from the alley.
February 21st, 2008. Cardiff, Wales.
“Jack, we’ve got some rift activity downtown,” came Tosh’s voice over the comm. Jack snatched it from beside his bed and put it on.
“Be right down.” He carefully extracted himself from the man sleeping next to him and quickly got some clothes on and wrote him a note before climbing up the ladder and heading out of his office.
“What’ve we got?” he said, joining Tosh, Owen and Gwen by the monitor.
“There’s been a spike in downtown Cardiff. It’s not big, but our sensors pick up life. Apparently human,” replied Tosh.
“You know, I’ve never quite figured out whether or not it’s a good thing when a human comes through instead of something more sinister.”
“Good for us or them?” said Gwen.
“Both. Let’s go.” He grabbed his gear and moved to the door as the others did the same.
“Where’s Ianto?” asked Owen
Jack grinned. “I thought I’d give him the morning off. He’s a bit tired out from yesterday.”
“We didn’t do anything yesterday,” retorted Owen.
Jack just smirked. Owen groaned and rolled his eyes. They got into the SUV and piled inside before speeding off towards the location of the spike.
Jacob Wilkinson crawled out from where he’d been hiding for half-an hour since the light had filled the ally. He glanced around nervously, his body twitching every so often, indicating his need for a fix. His eyes came to rest on a figure lying on the ground nearby, unconscious (or he could have been dead for all Wilkinson knew or cared). It was a man in his late twenties or early thirties with blond hair and glasses, he observed mildly as he walked over and began to search the man for anything valuable. There wasn’t much, just a worn leather wallet with a credit card, ID, and fifty dollars US. He scowled slightly, but it would have to do. He shoved the entire thing in his pocket.
As he stood up to leave, he noticed something clutched tightly in one of the man’s hands. Reaching down, he carefully pried it out of his grip and examined it. It was a small ovular object made of a strange metal, grey in colour. It didn’t seem at all important until he noticed a strange light coming from its center, and some faint markings all around the outside.
The sound of a cars engine reached his ears, and he shoved the object in his pocket and bolted.
“See anything?” asked Jack.
“No,” replied Tosh, “The sensors indicate that whatever came through should be just around…” She turned the corner and froze. “Jack!”
The others ran up to her. “What is it?” asked Jack. She pointed. “Is he what came through?” She nodded. “Okay, why are you just standing there?”
“Sorry.” They rushed forward and Owen pressed a finger to the man’s neck.
“His pulse is weak, lets get him back to the hub.” Jack and Owen lifted him and they headed back to the SUV.