The Day After "The Letter" - Beginning of Shift

Apr 04, 2005 13:50

Greg stumbled into the lab, cradling the extra large Mountain Dew bottle to his chest possessively. He'd drifted off for about half an hour before being jolted out of sleep by a rather vivid nightmare involving Jenny and her parents. He'd been downing caffeinated and highly sugared soda ever since. He'd already gone through half a six pack of 20 ounce bottles and it seemed to be working. He was alert, maybe a bit too alert at the moment since he'd drank the last bottle on an empty stomach after his supper had decided to make a repeat appearance. He knew he'd be paying for the caffeine overload later, but right now he just needed to stay awake through shift and maybe he'd be tired enough to sleep without dreaming when he got home.

He looked over the assignments and was relieved to find that it was pretty much all stuff he could have done in his sleep. Nothing too taxing, but taxing enough that he'd need to pay attention, which would hopefully keep his mind from wandering too much. There were too many dark corners he didn't want to deal with tonight, so something else to focus on would be good. He waved at Lou who was across the lab talking with Bobby, comparing notes on something, then settled in behind the desk to see what was up next. The sound of Bobby's laughter tugged at the edge of Greg's awareness. His tired and caffeine soaked brain struggled to latch on to something that Greg had promised himself to do...

"Hey, Greg," Bobby said as he headed out the door of the lab, "Thanks again for the coffee yesterday. It's worlds better than what they usually leave us late nighters with."

"Coffee!" Greg said sharply, his palm meeting his forehead with a resounding 'smack' as he suddenly remembered what he'd promised himself to do. He jumped up from the desk and muttered a quick "be right back" to Lou as he quickly headed back to his locker. He rummaged around in the backpack he'd used to haul in his lunch and extra caffeine ration and found the hard brick of coffee he'd brought in. It was one of the smaller containers, but it was one of the better brands he'd fallen in love with back home and had brought with him in his move. It had been Jen's favorite... and just the smell of the package almost reduced him to tears. He needed it gone... at least right now. When things were easier he'd order another package, but right now, it was just too much. Besides, doing this would take care of two issues at once, or so he hoped.

As he headed down the hallway to Trace he wondered for the hundredth time if he was doing the right thing. It wasn't as if he and Hodges worked together all that often. And he wasn't sure the guy would even take the gesture in the spirit it was intended. The other man's own stuttered apology from the night before echoed in Greg's head. Maybe he had just been having an off night. Greg decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.

He paused outside the door of the Trace lab and watched as Hodges finished processing a sample. He waited patiently for the other man to replace the sample in its evidence bag and sign off on the "chain of custody" form.

"Either come in and tell me what you want or go away," Hodges growled, not turning from his workstation. "I hate people looking over my shoulder while I work."

Greg jumped at the sharp words, wondering if he should have just left well enough alone. No. He could do this. Taking a deep breath he stepped into the lab, holding out the coffee in front of him. "Hey, Hodges. I just..." He stalled out as the other tech turned to glare at him.

"What, Sanders?"

Steeling himself to calm already jumpy nerves, Greg held out the brick of coffee. "Look, I'm really sorry about yesterday and us getting off on the wrong foot. So... I thought I'd bring a peace offering and see if we could start over." He tried for a smile but apparently he failed, judging from the skeptical look on Hodges' face. He sighed and tried again. Considering the amount of caffeine, sugar, and nerve induced adrenaline coursing through his system he shouldn't have been surprised by the rapid string of syllables that fell from his tongue. "I know it's not much and it's not like it's really expensive or anything and it'll only be enough for a few pots, so I wouldn't leave it in the break-room or anything or it'll be gone before you know it. But, it's a good roast, not bitter or anything and if you like it, I can get you the information on the company the makes it. It's this little shop back home in California but they're willing to ship anywhere. And, hey, I'm always interested in sharing my addiction with a fellow caffeine connoisseur." He handed the coffee to Hodges and backed towards the open door, intending to escape back to his own lab before he made an even bigger fool of himself.
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