So, I've been back to work now for a couple of weeks. Been going okay, except the getting up at 5:30 am, of course. I need to find a kid that parents work 2nd or 3rd shift. ( :
I found out, well, really I already knew, that web stores that store all your info are very dangerous things. It just makes it to ease to point and buy. I think I'm close to being Amazon's #1 costumer. lol I was only going to buy SGA season 4 and ended up with 2 more dvds, Shelter and A Dog's Breakfest. Than a few days later I bought my friend a bunch of stuff from there for her birthday and ended up buying The Cosby Show's first season for myself cause it was only $9.00. I have no control!
I'm still in denial about SGA being cancelled. Don't those network idiots knew anything?! Since when do you cancel a show when it's still going strong? Idiots!
I found
this on You Tube. It's a trailer for the movie Save Me. Even if you don't care about seeing the movie, I think most of you will enjoy the first 20 seconds of the trailer. Just try not to drool to much. ( :
Take care!