Title: The John Francis Donaghy School of Business
Fandom/Pairing: 30 Rock, Jack/Liz
Rating: PG
When Liz had asked him to teach the thing where rich people turn money into more money, Jack accepts this challenge. He claims he can do so with his eyes closed.
The next day, Jack enters her office, tells her that his limousine is downstairs and he will be waiting for her in five minutes. Liz is bewildered by this statement. She thinks this is a prank by Jack, so she does not follow his directive.
Again, Jack enters her office and asks her why she did not come down a few HOURS ago.
"You were serious?" she asks.
Jack replies, "Oh no Lemon. Frank coerced me into this prank." sarcasm filling every word.
"Ha!" she points at him, victory filling her. She puts her finger down, ever so slightly, when she notices the seriousness of the situation. Liz Lemon then picks up her bag and exits her office with Jack.
Jack then takes her on a tour around Manhattan, Wall Street, mentioning things like "stock options", "bankruptcy" and "Enron".
"Uhm, why are you taking me to these places again?" Liz asks as they take a break. Jack doesn't even look up from his copy of the Wall Street Journal and replies, "I am teaching you the ins and outs of business, Lemon."
Liz raises an eyebrow. "Thanks Jack, but I already know these places."
It is Jack's turn to raise his eyebrow. "Of course you know these places Lemon. I am merely using them as visual aids in my lessons..." He pauses. "You were listening to me these past few hours, weren't you?"
"What? of course I was!" She says this, in a tone that makes Jack believe the opposite of what she said.
He then folds up his paper, folds his arms and says, “Okay then. Tell me, what is the general rule in finance?”
Liz nearly spits out the coffee she is drinking. She looks at him with her angry badger face and asks, “What now, pop quiz?”. Jack nods in reply.
“Buy whatever stock you’re buying?” Liz replies.
A facepalm would be the appropriate thing to do at this moment, but Jack decides against it. He is the mentor, the professor in this instance, and he must display proper decorum.
“No, Lemon. It’s ‘The higher the risk, the higher the return’. Frankly, I am disappointed Lemon. I have personally enrolled you in The John Francis Donaghy School of Business, and you are not maximizing what I am teaching you.”
Liz gives him the mixed looks of inquiry, amusement and “blerg”-ness. She ponders deeply, as to why the hell would Jack even teach her - oh yeah. She asked him.
Looking at Jack, he was also a mixture of emotions; a hint of tiredness and huge amount of pain. Liz then feels that he is taking this “mentor” thing seriously.
Jack, of course, manages to read her mind and some kind of support.
“I do not want to make you feel that I am mentoring you Lemon. I just want you to know that I am concerned about what may happen in your future, or the present, for that matter. I do not wish to be invited to any housewarming events in Little Chechnya, nor do I even wish to be associated with a resident.”
After their break, Jack mentors Liz, yet again on the different aspects of business. He inserts many phrases and definitions, sometimes equations, into his “lessons”.
What surprises Jack is that Liz does manage to catch up with him.
“So, at the end of the day, businessmen have to think. ‘Did I maximize profit while minimizing costs?’ If he has a satisfactory answer, then he has accomplished something.”
“Odd. I thought the realistic goal of any firm was to maximize shareholder equity?” Liz pauses and laughs. “Wow. Never thought I would say those words.”
“Neither did I.” Jack mutters. Liz looks at him, prompting him to reply, “Well, yes. But, I want you to always keep this in your mind. ‘Maximize utility, minimize regret.’ Don’t forget that.”
In which Liz follows, “Wherein utility is a measure for happiness, or so economists say.”
And this is further followed by, “GAH! I am absorbing this too much! Somebody slap me out of this!”
Jack happily obliges. Only, he does not slap Liz, but gives her a deep kiss.
When they stop, they both smile.
“Damn it.” Liz mutters. “We’re in front of the NYSE.”
Jack smiles. “And I believe you know where this leads.”
written for:
thoughtsicles (
Drabble this way)