I never thought of documenting my thoughts on LiveJournal (LJ)...I've been using Multiply. So what got me started? Well, it all started after my wedding in November 2006.
A Little Dream, the wedding band I engaged for my wedding celebrations, keep a
blog of their performances on LJ. A few days after the celebrations, Hsin Yeow SMS-ed me that they wrote about our celebrations in their blog. So I went to take a look, and I wanted to leave my comment (compliments, rather). But I had to be a LJ member in order to post comments...and that's how I got my LJ Username...
And since I have an LJ username, I might as well start writing here. What's more, it's the start of a new year - 2007. How apt...
So...here it goes! and soon I'll be blogging more on LiveJournal...