Title: Scrooge
Characters: River/Ten or Eleven
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Only if you don't know who River Song is.
Summary: River tries to get the Doctor into the Christmas spirit.
A/N: I've set myself the challenge of writing a drabble for each day of advent for different characters/pairings. They'll all be pretty fluffy and positive. Although they probably won't be Christmas related until later on.
“I’ve had some very bad experiences with Christmas trees,” the Doctor said, not looking impressed at the huge tree that took up half of River’s living room.
“I know, you told me; spinning trees, killer baubles. Sounds like fun.”
“It isn’t.”
“Don’t be boring. Get into the Christmas spirit.”
“Hardly anyone celebrates Christmas in the fifty first century.”
“It’s your fault, you make it sound so much fun.”
“Alien invasions are not fun.”
“Yes they are.”
“You just treat everything like it’s one big game.”
“Guess who I got that from?”
“Not the point.”
“Oh, lighten up, Stooge.”